Crossfire LAN ETTV

I set up a little replayer (28 Slots) which is replaying all the demos we have from the Crossfire LAN in in chronological order.


1. vs sFx Evil [Info] [Winners Bracket Round 2]
2. dMiZE vs Team.NL [Info]
3. riZe vs Helix [Info] [Loosers Bracket Round 1]
4. idle vs Team.NL [Info] [Winners Bracket Round 3]
5. sFx Evil vs Helix [Info] [Loosers Bracket Round 2]
6. dMiZE vs sFx Evil [Info] [Loosers Bracket Round 3]
7. sFx Evil vs Team.NL [Info] [Loosers Bracket Final]
8. idle vs sFx Evil [Info] [Grand Final]

You can find the server on
The demos will cycle for a week or something
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