
So, I move from uni back to home and that morning of moving Frozzen (or not frozzen) who i had talked to sometime ago about getting a BNC from offers me one for free.

So I log in, connect and yay it works, free BNC lucky me, considering my other 2 died last week I thought nothing of it.

But then I log back onto the net 5 mins ago to read an email saying something took over the iTG channels, my instant reaction was, oh it couldnt be me someone just op'd something that looks like me, in the past kamz has made his login look real close to mine.

Then I see the BNC address, oh joy, it was my BNC :(

Apoligies if whatever that BNC did took over your channels, I will be re-authing today. Shame I had that auth for like 3 years or more, and now some kid had a great saturday night.

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