I'm leaving ET.

Everyone who doesn't know me or doesn't care about me can stop reading now.

I've decided that the time has come to quit ET. I've just finished college and I've got a year to get my shit together and raise some money before I go away travelling & then to university. I just don't have the time to play until 6am and then miss half of the next day like I have been doing recently (: - I feel like I need to be doing some things that are going to benefit me in the long run.

To everyone I've played with: thanks for the memories & good times, I've met some awesome people along the way and made some decent friends (even though I may never meet you irl).

A list of everyone I particularly want to thank will be posted in my profile - sorry if I left anyone out, but you'll know that you were important to me.

Thanks again everyone, and one final time - gl & hf
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