Student Debt

Ok like 30mins ago I was in my local bank, I recieved a email that there was some space left in the accomidation that I enquired about. When you move into a house for the first time you usually pay a deposit and first monthes rent in advance, and in this case (for the place i enquired about) it totalled up to

645/750 pounds

295 per month (Single en-suite) + 350 deposit


350 per month (double en-suite) + 400 deposit

I had recently had my account upgraded to student additions and with it a 200 pound interest overdraft. I applied to uni through clearing and wasnt planning on going so I have no money saved at all :o so only had 1 option and that was get my overdraft increased to pay for the accomidation stuff. Anyway I go in and start talking and basically this is what happened

"ok well if you come back tomorrow and give judith (another lady that works there) your passport and the top part of the ucas letter then ill have your account upgraded on monday"

ok, here is the problem

-when the overdraft amount was mentioned, she just came out and asked me how much i wanted and not how I was restricted to
-Accomidation seems really expensive for something which compared to the house im living in atm will be a shoe box

No wonder student have so much debt during university when you throw money/overdrafts at them and charge stupid amounts on accomidation/fees

sad panda out <3 evan :'(

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