Quake 4

Few weeks ago (after 1.3 release) I've started playing Quake 4 and I must say that I really enjoy this game.
While I still prefer ET I'm having lots of fun playing Q4 from time to time.
However, most of opponents are either:
a) ppl who played quake for at least 5 years and totally pwn me
b) ppl who are quite new to fps game and I pwn them

I think that playing against other ET players (not new to games, but quite new to quake) would be much better.

So, is anyone here playing this game?
And if so, how about making a 'fun team' to play some duels and tdms (2v2 or even 4v4), just for fun.

If you're up for some fun games (skill doesn't matter), feel forced to msg me ( #crossfire ) or send me pm here.
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