Design the sparxs logo and win!

That’s right people! As sparxs wishes to expand further into the gaming community, we turn to that community to ask for their artistic masterminds. At sparxs we lack a good logo. A logo defines what a company or organisation is. Now what is sparxs?

Sparxs is a team built up around friendship and mutual understanding. Whilst we try to act as professional as possible we do not wish to be the “zOMG we’re like the uberpro’est players around”. Perhaps put a bit too “1337” but you catch our drift. We want to be more than a clan and teammembers, we want to be a family, internally as well as externally. Both the strive for professionalism and the family feeling need to be integrated into our logo. The use of colours is totally free, but we have a love for blue. Note that using blue is not mandatory.

ALL logo’s that are handed in the way it should are considered and out of the sendings, the CS:S team and me (nivekii) will pick 3 finalists. These logo’s will be looked upon closer and out of these 3 we will pick a winner.

As sparxs still is a very young organisation the prize for this competition will be a moneyprize of €30 ( + 250 NOK ).

There are no restrictions to compete in this competition, the only thing you have to do is send your logo to [email protected] with ‘sparxs logo competition’ as subject, together with a small explanation why you made the logo the way you made it.

When you decide to compete in this competition you give sparxs the absolute freedom to use your logo indefinitely, for all sparxs related content. In other words, you claim by entering the competition that if you win, sparxs gets the rights on your logo.


Kevin ‘nivekii’ Monsieur

And the CS:S team

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