Interviews from Rotterdam

This journal marks the beginning of a series of voice interviews, that I did Friday night at Ronners place in Rotterdam.

There is 6 interviews in total and instead of just uploading the sound files somewhere, I decided to do them as video. This means that there are still-pictures of the people being interviewed, together with subtitles. Making all of these subtitles is very very boring, so I cannot say exactly when the rest of the interviews will be done.

A thing that you have to bear in mind is that all of these interviews was done at a party, which means most of the people are pretty drunk :)

The first interview-session is featuring:
Netherlands Maverick
Netherlands Ronner
United Kingdom Baggiez
Estonia Night

Thanks goes out to Gaso (for making the intro/logo) and Baggiez (for hosting).

Link for Ara's corner - Rotterdam unplugged
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