#TeK-Reloaded Cup - Results
12 Sep 2006, 12:40
On sunday the first two rounds of the first TeK-Cup in history took place.
Here are the results:
Team-Delta vs. sYnod5 4:0
cZar vs. #Qlasics o2 4:0
necromantia vs. Rewind 4:2
FearFactory vs. myLegend 4:0
elite vs. Stofftiere-Online 4:0
Violence is Bad vs. cdap-oddjob 4:2
eXorbitant vs. roYality-eSports 0:4
HighBot vs. rev2 4:0
Team-Delta vs. cZar 0:4
necromantia vs. FearFactory 2:4
elite vs. Violence is Bad 0:4
roYality-eSports vs. HighBot 2:4
Homepage: TeK-Clanbase
IRC: #TeK-Reloaded
Demos: www.tek-clanbase.de -> Filebase -> Downloads -> TeK-Cup Demos