Layer Cake

For so long my friends had told me to watch this film, I was sick when I was supposed to see it at the cinema, I was away when my housemate had it and finally tonight I watched it, even though I didnt have a whole lot of confidence in it, too wannabee snatch/lockstock and revolver was over the top, but....

I've gotta say, WOW, what a film.

First of all, the ending! What a comedown, I was just getting my satisfaction that all was won and the badguys were gone, whilst still pondering what was his name? Then from nowhere that little scrat changed everything.
The plot and plot overlays were simply sensational, I truly have not gotten this much enjoyment out of a film in a while.

Dont piss in my pocket and tell me its raining

Brilliant film

Got me excited about the new Bond film too because whilst Munich was great, Daniel Craig didnt shine through for me but now...Now I am excited.
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