
After my australian trip that lasted 7 months i am willing to experience a new adventure. This time i chose Holland and the capital Amsterdam considering that my budget is quiet limited. That's the reason why i'm writing this journal that is adressed to you dutch fellas and i would be very gratefull for your help and advices.

First of all i would like to know how you guys rate the value of life overthere, i guess it must be quiet expensive considering it's the capital and the hugh amount of tourists overthere. Heard backpakers were 15€/night, bit expensive but i guess it's allright as soon i find a proper accomodation.

Is it easy at this time of the year to find an accomodation? Share house? Flat? Youthhostels? Are their actually many youthhostels in Amsterdam? Are there many backpackers aswell in amsterdam?

Considering jobs apart from callcenters/barwork/Hostel work what kind of other jobs is easily to find for a "backpaker"? Knowing that i speak 3 languages fluently + many experiences in different there aswell some factory work or seasonal work in the countryside?

How's nightlife? Is it really that amazing? I won't even ask about dutch girls, they're awesome :-)

Running out of questions for now,
alvast hartelijk bedankt :P

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