More 5on5 please

By now everyone in the european ET scene has made his statement about the switch to 5on5, and most of it has been very negative. Good arguments to find out why 6on6 is better than 5on5 are hard to find, altrough they are there, but think of it the other way, does the casual ET competition player have any advantages over 5on5?
Going to 5on5 wasn't a bad move by CB, but announcing it all of a sudden was a poor move. Why not first have a 5on5 ladder so clans can get used to 5on5 play? Why not hold more 5on5 onedaycups?
I'm sure if ClanBase had at least cared about 5on5 earlier the switch would have been much easier, but now all of a sudden ClanBase turned from 6on6 to 5on5 in one day time. How long has the request for a 5on5 ladder been there? ClanBase didn't care earlier, and now top teams need to kick a key 6th member to make themselves ready for the 5on5 cups coming up.

People will adapt to 5on5, but if i was the right decission, I don't know, and we will never know because ET 6on6 will die because of this.
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