if you don't like it (5on5)

now the dust has settled lets look at what you can realy do about it other then flame

now i personaly think the 5on5 annoucement was a joke, ive checked CB page this morning their is no anoucement their and the rules still say 6v6, but for a moument lets say it is real.

lets be honest, flameing will not work, we can call people retards and have as many poles as we want but that will not get change if you want change the only way to do it is boycott.

in CoD2 when the makers where not giving us a patch we (cod 2 community) locked all are servers with the server name "give us a patch" or something, no one played any games, within the space of 2 weeks we got a patch and after that another 2!.

if you dont want 5on5, just dont play it, their are plenty of ladders and leagues (esl, et-cup) have said they are staying 6on6 so just play them, dont play in any cb or wl cup or ladder, just play in esl and et-cup and just get 6on6 scrims. if you all ready are in a cb or wl cup game dont turn up, if no one turns up to any of the cup games it will be very bad PR for them and they will change. but calling clanbase a retard isnt going to work, you know it and i know it nor is any poll, i mean lets face it do they ever listian to you? you dont have to leave these ladders on cb or the cups on wl, just no show, if you leave its bad, but if no one turns up it looks even worse.

its just an idea but its alot better then what everyone is doing now
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