Disgraceful management?

As you can see in the news ESL has now announced that it will be maintaining its 6v6 format as a complete contradiction to the clanbase announcement of its move to 5v5.

In this journal i'm not going to argue the pro's and cons of 5on5 vs 6on6 instead i think we should be looking at what i feel is management that is appalling and harmful to the community.

As we know clanbase has given their opinion that this change is to support the community and look to the future. If this is the case why has this been handled so badly. Everyone is aware that ET is a relatively small community and apparently everyone is doing their best to keep this community as strong as possible. The ESL today has announced that it will maintain the 6v6 format. This announcement coupled with the clanbase announcement can now only do serious harm to the community.

The 2 major tournaments going in totally different directions with the game. Now i dont blame ESL in this instance because their announcement is only a reaction to the clanbase announcement. I do however question the management at clanbase. If such a move which is clearly a major change to the game is to be made then surely this cannot be something arbitrarily decided by clanbase alone. Surely in the interests of the community as a whole they should be responsible enough to at least consult with the management from the other organisations to come to an agreement on the direction of the game in a unified manner. For me this has been handled in a cowboy manner with no real overview of how its going to affect the community as a whole.

I also dont think this is a time for the CB admins to be proud, they should contact ESL, Warleagues etc and come to a unified agreement on the direction of the community ASAP even if thats means a complete U turn on their previous decision. At the end of the day the best interests of the community should come first.
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