Thoughts about 5v5/6v6

Just thinking out loud here: will the choices made by ClanBase/Warleagues and ESL split up the community? Will we get a 5v5 and 6v6 community? Personally I think the 5x5 clans will never play games against teams who play 6x6. What will happen to clans that have a stable 6-man lineup (so no backups)? One of them will have to spec.

In the past, some choices already stirred up the community. We had a lot of whine about taking out XP upgrades and the amount of mines being decreased from 7 to 5. Everybody learned to live with it in the end I guess, since it was never changed back. Why did the whine die on these events? And how many clans died because of THESE changes?

About CB/WL: are they arrogant changing the system against the community's will? votes, polls, whine and anti-channels... did it help anything? And why is ClanBase still hanging on to the 6v6 ladder even though they're changing to 5v5 cups and a ladder? Is that a last attempt not to lose too much people to ESL?

About ESL: they made a little eCommerce post trying to pull in all the 6v6 clans that hate CB/WL atm. Or do you guys fall for this one?

About ET changes in general: how long will it take before all heavy weapons, rifle and mines are taken out? When will we all be luger fragging (since there aren't any other weapons left)? Will ET die coz you can only do knive kills from now on?

As a clan leader I only feel sad about the fact I will need to tell our 6th player he can't play. I would like to keep playing 6v6, but I don't think I will quit ET over 5v5...

what about u?

random pic: image: shit_fountain
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