Hello from Shanghai

So, I arrived in Shanghai yesterday at 12ish local time, which was something like 3AM english time, got into a taxi and the fun started there.

Driving over here is an art, there are lanes marked on the road, but those are a suggestion, the traffic lights are a suggestion, not hitting other cars is a suggestion, not hitting people is a suggestion etc etc etc.

MY GOD THEY DRIVE CRAZY! I have never been so scared in my life, we witnessed 1 small car crash and the potential for 100 more. Drivers over here dont indicate they just use the horn. Scary shit.

Anyway, spent yesterday afternoon at WC3 Player Spirit Moon's 18th birthday party, this guy is as big a celebrity over here as players like Boxer from starcraft, his sponsors threw the party and it was ok!

This place is very different to any I have been to before, but its all an experience! :)
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