good bye :(

Since im 18 in a week and am starting to realise the combination of playing Et/getting cained with my mates/ getting pissed / not doing any schoolwork + is probably going to fuck my life up, combining this with some other issues, I have decided to quit playing ET.
mass respect goes to:
syKotic - slash, stx, vexx, bubbs, kev, vooster, qur + breezy.
from my RazeR days - seb + simon, vegard, vidar, ludo, immoo, alone and webster. and h3 i guess.... (<3)
from splitsecond/exim, gotta say goodbye to goliath, riven, gizzy, rzr, pos/kevin, toxic.
peace to the oldschool perfect target players, thrilli, skadaffy, dishy, handy (:P) illo + incje and rsharu.
random shoutouts to anton and adam, if you read this by any small chance, i'll catch you on MSN sometime guys :>
buhbye, farewell and keep enjoying ET =)
p.s. super extra mega sorry if I forgot ur name :(

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