3 Problems

Recently have had 3 problems after I bought my new computer, and I hope some clever clogs can help us out.

1) "Clicks" when switiching my microphone on and off. When I switch the mic on or off, a loud click can be heard by me, from my headphones, but is also heard by people in the communication client I a idling in.

2) Fuzzing / overboost in communications when ET is booted up. Recently when I load ET I get whined at in vent because it makes a really, REALLY loud fuzzing noise, that's a bitch.

3) Random shut downs. This has happened twice in the past 2 days now. I just loaded ET up a few mins ago, closed vent cos of the fuzzing, went back on, unminimized, and boom... computer shut down. Now wtf is going on?

Any help would be appreciated! Ta very much!
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