fish out of water

Bah i went for a swim earlier, even though i hate swimming, its cheap way to exercise and also i do it in like the best pool in the uk. Anyway was swimming for like hour or hour and a half and i decided to change stroke from breast to front stroke (dont usually like front cause i swim like a drowned cat) and after like 2s i get omg need a medic cramp in my right calf and had to be by the side of the pool for 10mins until it settled, couldnt continue cause it was too painful and now im in abit of a bad mood cause of my noob "injury" had some chicken soup and coke and now im ok

gl to uQ :) and can a admin change my nick to evanbraakensiek or _Anubis/evan? thanks oh and you can lol dont worry :P

edit: Swimming owns for seeing lots of fit women though :D
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