back from teh club

Well Finlandi was in da club with Belgiumsick and Icelandmens0 just few minutes ago. BelgiumSick was trying to mash a Antarcticagirl there, well Belgiumsick went straight to the business and asked " wanna fuck with me" Antarcticagirl said "hell no omg fuck off" Belgiumsick started to whien so hard man, the Antarcticagirl throw her beer all over Belgiumsick's T-shirt. then Icelandmens0 came to the picture. Icelandhe came with tight pants and Icelandhe had good ass. well. Icelandhe asked from the girl "wanna fuck with me" and ye Antarcticashe wanted, Belgiumsick got so fucking crazy after it, and started to fight, Finlandi was juts looking. after Finlandi saw Icelandmens0 was getting owned by sick, Finlandi started to help, i cutted his dick ofc at first. well, the Antarcticagirl ates Belgiumsick's dick and that was cool. Finlandi call gg

guys im bored yeah...the story isnt funny...its the sad truth! Your Days of Plenty are Numbered!
haha, mens0 ownage
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