Liver Failure

Its never a dull night out with TosspoT, for whatever reason something memorable ALWAYS happens. On Friday not only did I steal a shit load of sausages from the back of an open van, but apparently I told this chick I had been txt'ing for a while that she looked like a 1950's housewife. Which my mates found hilarious, apparently...she didnt. I have no recollection so I'll just pretend it didnt happen.
Tonight however, I was not going to go out. I'd spent 3 hours casting Quake 3 and I was ready for bed infact when my mates had a great idea to go out.
I struggled to get drunk from the word go, in the end I spent a fucking STUPID amount of money to not even get drunk in the slightest. Problem was, I am someone that needs drink to enjoy a club and there were plenty of hot chicks to enjoy. So i just drank more and more and more, we're talking a crazy amount of alcohol in a really short time.
However...After returning home I decided to enjoy a nice packet of Doritos. My body however did not enjoy these and decided it was a good idea to throw up absolutely everywhere.
That was ten minutes ago and I am still cleaning up puke. I hate to say it, but this is liver failure, this is death. Its been nice
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