You may remember ->

I fixed it... here it goes.

I left home for a party last night, and I left my computer running, downloading some "legal" things... I came home only to find my PC was dead... yes DEAD. It wouldn't switch on, no matter what I tried, I was too drunk to try anything complex so I just went to bed in an extremely bad mood after promising to entertain my clan on comms... anyway...

I brought my PC downstairs when I came home from college today, and tried multiple things... like... replacing the RAM sticks, reconnecting MOBO, double checking all cable connections, and so forth. When I checked the RAM (took out and put in again) and tried to switch my PC on... it came on! So I was like "Yo woOho_O I'm teh pr0 gaym3r comput3r d00d!"

So I went back upstairs, plugged everything in, and wtf, the cunt didn't work... so once again I replaced the RAM and it still didn't work... WTF EH?

Finally I just started twsting random cables around as a last resort and wtf... it came on! Can you believe that? After hours of stress, confusion and anger management classes, the problem was 2 cables with the connectors not properly connected... lesson learnt... IM A DUMBASS.

Problem solved, good day! :-D
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