Dear lolod lasopd nsldfn sjb
4 Oct 2006, 00:26
Foonr spank0d me and took pictures withour knowing it !!!!
now im very scared that he will post them,
so now i need some assassins who can kill him
and i also need a medic for tala because his hart goes like a junkie on crack.
and i would like some pizza and my e-penis is very big and sandman just pmmed me about some weird story he told me today and its totally lol because i did a lol when he told me, lol
well seems that foonr wants to abuse me even more!
now im very scared that he will post them,
so now i need some assassins who can kill him
and i also need a medic for tala because his hart goes like a junkie on crack.
and i would like some pizza and my e-penis is very big and sandman just pmmed me about some weird story he told me today and its totally lol because i did a lol when he told me, lol
well seems that foonr wants to abuse me even more!