someone likes me :o

I was just watching the newest episode of futurama when my mate zeckor told me on ICQ that I would play on Efterlyst atm, I really had to think some minutes before I realised that I can not be on a server active playing and watching a futurama episode, so I decided to join the server and take a look at this player called MBudget with really horrible colors...
On the server there really was a guy called MBudget, but why should someone fake me? I couldnt immagine that so I asked him about that, and why he is interested in faking a cheater, but he didnt reply me, he just disconnected :< Good that I could take his guid before he left and here he is, the winner of the Title "Retarded faker of the month"

Ladies and Gentleman I present you: aspa aka. buBb3n aka. maxter...a fuck it here you got the screen + link xD

image: roflomglolet4

Yawn :o

Btw I would be interested why you steal other peoples name, because tomorrow I go on some rampage with your guid xD Hafe Fun explaining the red signals on yawn to your mates then ^^

Btw2 sry for another retarded journal but I was bored.
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