'Twas The Night Before Christmas

`Twas the night before Christmas, when all through pub,
Not a player was roaming, not even a nub.
The med packs were laid by the corners with care,
in hopes that at low life he's soon to be there.

The backragers were nestled all snug in their corners,
while visions of headshots on all of the mourners,
Hackers with aimbots, noobs talking crap,
had just blocked the door, to have a long chat.

When outside of spawn there arose such a clatter,
I pushed out the lagger to see what was the matter.
Away to the doorway I flew like a flash,
Holding down sprint, oh what a dash.

A corner camper appeared, he put on a show,
Gave the lustre of primed nades, oh no,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a big ass crossfire, with medics to share.

With a little old r-nade, so lively and quick,
I thought for a moment, oh fuck, oh shit.
More rapid than eagles the bullets they came,
Teammates whistled and shouted and called us by name.

"Nice hack, you suck, revive me you nub
Sup beta, you blow, wow you're dumb,
use your needles, fuck this pub"
As we stepped out and began to die,
to add to the injury, panz blew us sky high.

So up to the house-top, trickjumpers they flew,
With three crates worth of ammo, and a grenade too.
And then, a footstep, I heard on the roof,
The running and jumping of each little goof.

As I grasped my gun and was turning around,
Out of the corridor a camper came with a bound,
Covered in med packs from his head to his foot,
Back and forth with a strafe he shook.

A bundle of medics he had behind his back,
He was a nazi ready to attack,
His face, so ugly, his gun, so scary,
His knife ready, his nades made me weary.

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
He looked like the fucker I killed moments ago,
I stared at this bitch and gritted my teeth,
popped off three headshots and screamed like a beast.

He put a sad face and called me a hacker,
I laughed and I cried and called him a packer,
He was a stupid little newb, smelt like a belch,
I laughed when I killed him, in spite of myself.

A lift of his arm and a jerk of his head,
Soon made me gib him and make him dead.
His team spoke not a word but went straight to work,
I got torn open and they called me a jerk.

Quickly I fell, "Need a Medic!" I proposed,
when out of no where, a revive and I rose,
I sprang to my feet as quick as a whistle,
but to my face, a panzerfaust's missle,
but I heard my teammate exclaim as we were blown out of sight,
"Get a real gun cause you fucking bite!"

copy/past from et-center thanks gazoo :p <3
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