
image: coverto_xfire

A new team was born yesterday, a covert-only team. The main idea is having lots of fun with covert ops in clanwars and on publics, here we can't fluster our teammates with this. :) The clan has a limited number of /50/ members, we will play mixwars and some officials in ladders and cups, so it could be a great relaxation after the games of our real clans anyways. After all, this isn't about winning what so ever. It's fun to suck at ET as well, for example multiple tries to satchel your opponent in a war can actually win you the game!

For more information (idea, clanrules, members, leagues where we playing) please check our webpage:
coverto site

As a clan we need to stop recruiting somewhere, we cannot add members ad infinitum if we wanna join ladders, cups. So, the limit is 50 members, and after a half day, we reached 40. The last 10 slots are reserved for players who know how to have fun, who knows who they are.

But we all know, that lots of players cannot join the team /because of the limited number of slots/ but are interested to play covops wars. To resolve this problem, we will open #coverto channel for the community:
- clan members will be ops
- players who are not members, but like playing with covert will get a voice

This could be good for everyone:
- you can find some guys who wanna play a covert war pretty fast on the channel, you can contact each other and the war starts quickly
- if the clan members need a merc/standin, they could ask the voiced channel members pretty fast

So, don't hesitate, join the channel, and play covert wars! :)


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