IP problem! =(

Ello, need ur help ones more xD

I have the following problem (this is not rly ET-related)

When I try to host a server, in any given game, the game suggests that the server's ip adress'd be "", which is my internal adress.
If I, for example, try to set up a virtual LAN connection with hamachi, the game should automatically select the hamachi IP when I host but it doesnt. The most recent example is in Age Of Empires 3, but I have had the same in multiple other games.

Can anyone tell me how to solve this, so that other people will be able to actually see my hosted servers? Same goes for me being able to join other people's servers: doesnt work either.

As far as I know, I have managed to forward all my ports and I have a fixed ip so that shouldnt be the problem.

Hope I managed to make it clear what exactly my problem is :-d

Thanks in advance!

(again, I didnt rly manage to find a proper solution on google :Z)
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