CoD2 and ET at sHgopen

image: bcfront-smallshgOpen 2007 is a reality! This year the event has moved to Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bella Center is located only a few minutes travel to metro station, international airport and the freeway. This year the event will feature a wider selection of exhibition booths, gaming tournaments and other entertainment activities. Up to 2.000 gamers are expected to attend the event.

It all takes place from Friday the 16th to Sunday the 18th of February 2007. The complete prize sum will be 500.000 DKK (or aprox. 65.000 euro), guranteed by the company behind the event: A/S.

Ticketprice: 325,- DKK (until 1. january, after this period 375) 1 Euro = 7.5 DKK

Crossfire can confirm that Wolfenstein ET and now also CoD2 will have a prized BYOC tournament at the sHgopen 2007 and to clarify, the tournament is not set out by qualifiers or by team size, any one team can attend they simply need register for the event. So make sure you're there to see all the action, and if you're not? iTG, Crossfire and GamesTV will be on hand for all the fun!

The sHg open is one of the most successful and prestigious European events out there and their choice to support ET is a big step for the game and their respected communities, so go ahead, visit and support sHg at

:: PC Rental Info
The CoD2 Prizepot will be 5067 Euros split in the following method:
- 2667 Euro
- 1333 Euro
- 667 Euro
4th - 267 Euro
5th - 133 Euro[/hide]
The ET Prizepot will be 5067 Euros split in the following method:
- 2667 Euro
- 1333 Euro
- 667 Euro
4th - 267 Euro
5th - 133 Euro[/hide]
:: Travel Information
:: Tournament Registration
:: Enemy Territory Rules
Denmark rules.
I can meet Denmark Arachon and teh Denmark PELLE!!1
Looking forward to it :)
party at your place eh?
Well... it's 13 km from the center of Copenhagen, about 24 from the place at the LAN, but yeah maybe.
65000 euros for ET...NOISE ;DDDDD
You wish! :<
eh . online only <3
Damn I've been going crazy about when this would be announced....
Ticketprice: 325,- DKK
it's one way ticket ? :)
Walking is cheaper..
seems naijs
anyway need to find 5 retard players like me, and go there !!!
Team-Latvia gogogo?
anyone know if ET and Cod2 tournaments are byoc?
bring your own computer
case + monitor, or only case ?
case + monitor + keyboard + mouse :)
huh it will be above 15kg :(
get muscles pls :x
I heard someone talked about the "pro" tourneys would have tournament-PC's there...
"Crossfire can confirm that Wolfenstein ET will be a prized BYOC tournament at the sHgopen 2007"

dunno about cod though
65.000Eu for 2 games?
ET and CoD2 are not the _only_ games...
available for it. pm me
Can I come?
only as a caster :D

Where've you read this?
tosspot said it
n1 reading skills
You can rent a monitor, if that's any help.
im avi for ET if u pay my ticket ;[
This is one of those news making me really happy :D

btw. 2007 could become a great season for ET. Qcon'07, PGA'07, Crossfire LAN II and sHgopen :D
lets hope so.
There's also a LAN in Paris some time next year.
Frogs only :-(
Retarded admins who don't want the prizemoney to be given to foreign guys.

But you still can come to see pheex and freek in action. (And to see that my hair > rever's)
enlarged nich vergessen wo ich dieses jahr alleine 1on6 das et turnier gewinnen werde!!! ich hab geheimtricks.. !!
Interesting. Hopefully it will be a nice event :)
As opposed to many other e-sport events, shgOpen pays the winners right after the event.


cYa there
cYa ---> there @ sHgopen - Aarshotel
Perfect time to Sweden [>>] reunite and win some LAN'z.
the thought crossed my mind :)
and we are thinking about making a team, cause we can all get there by taking a train, perfect location, should really be motivating
(i knew that you were being sarcastic, but im not :< )
See you there.
cs will take about 350.000dkr so that leaves 150.00dkr for et,cod and i heard rumors that bf2 will get a tournament there as well. Its nice SHG finally start to look at other games than just cs.
eVo lets go :>
carnaval ftw bb <3 ;D
THAT IS NICE! hopefully i get some team :<
2nd should get 1337€
I was right about to write the same thing ^^
damn you beat me as well:DD
das ist so alt
in cs bekommt nämlich der 7. auch 1333€ :<
Nah, second place is the diet coke of 1337, just not 1337 enough.
thought it is euro in plural not euros...
yay, more cash for idle
Yeah, they raged PGA (:
Atleast we don't have to qualify this time it seems! :P
I am calling Nights parents!
Ye the line is free i just got off :P
Prize changed:

2nd 1337 EUROES
3rd 666 EUROES
and 4th €260 then 8)
entry money back?
4th should get 333 because they are almost evil ;)
6on6 or 5on5 ?
nice, i could go to this lan, wake up take the train, be there before it start, then right after the lan; take the train home
just need a team ;x
Can i join your team ?
me too ? :o
ofc, they will need a uber riffle

now just find 3 other guys ;)
thanks for the backing!!
well i cant promise :D, im just hoping i can go. I wanna see your faces ! Danone told me my face was of a cheater, but my brother looked more like a lagger face :O
To the Danes, is it easy to get from Billund or Malmö to Copenhagen (by Bus or so)? o_O <3 Ryanair.
Sol, i travel by train like 4 times a year to copenhagen from Malmö. You should try that, its cheap and takes like 20 minsor something. and you arrive at the airport. Thats what i will do if I attend to this lan. Which would be nice !
Malmo is just across a stretch of water I understand, super easy apparently
yep apparently we needed a bridge... a physical connection to the swedes !???!
From Malmø-Sturup you can take a bus to Copenhagen - takes about 50 minutes. See on how to get to Bella Center from there.

It's probably more expensive to go via Billund than going directly to CPH - and 5 hours longer.

From Malmø central station, It's about 25 minutes by train, switch at Ørestad station.
It is cheap and very easy to take the train from malmö. the train can take you all the way to the central station of copenhagen, which indeed is THE place :D
5000 Euro must be more than enough to the top teams for getting their cars, taking their own computers and making an EuroTrip!
why does an eurotrip sound wrong :OO, its correcta ccording to consonants and vowels and shit ? ;S
a eurotrip, due to the pronunciation of euro afaik
why BYOC, would like to go but cba bringing this piece of shit with me :[
You can rent a screen if that helps ?
I'd letter borrow my pos. But you removed me from your buddy list :/
buddy list doesnt mean a thing =(
so you are alive?
legend lives on :)
Just busy training new talent for the next 15 years. ;o)
looking forward to see all the new 'talents' become inactive a week before the lan.
unexpected! :)
CoD2 added, sounds nice!
ill come fosho
Nice move for CoD2. :)
You never win enough money to balance the travel money.
well not every1 is doing it for the money...
look at KiH at qcon.. kris told me he did spent more than the money he won.
Yes I know. But what's motivation of ""? Just to get some fame for the sponsors, name, etc.?

They enjoy it - a bit of spending money is never a bad thing.
if u live in denmark u do
nice event!!!

I would definetely come with all my r3volta clan

BUT BYOC :-/ I would pay higher admission rather than bring computer across half o`Europe

"The monitor will have been setup for you when you arrive."
meaning that you get a screen for free, or that when you rent a screen, it will be there for you :<?
when you rent, so ofc you gotta pay some money for it (didn't find the prize from the site yet)
byoc :'(((((((((((
They will inspect your PC on illegal stuff!
That's it, I'm not going. :(
Are you afraid of losing the qualifiers again?:( <3
will there be any chance of renting a computer?
I'll rent one for you!

Crap, why didnt they organized it last year. Its only 5 minutes walking from my old home in Copenhagen last year. :S

But nice to see yet another big lan. GL to all the teams
byoc = no go! :'(

They bring such a nice prizepoul and then make the event byoc. Very controversial if you ask me.

(I decided to stay mature and polite for once :D )
omfg 3 hours ride, ill be there.
when its a byoc lan im happy im in the "laptop users club" (check evans profile for info)
I can't decide whether to bring my laptop or my huge home pc.
make the second prize ; 1337
07:53:28 isnt so old
I WILL COME!!!!! 4 SURE! just a few km's from were i live
du hastn leben T_T
darf ich dann deine Glatze anfassen ? :D
das darf nur ich.
ich bin nämlich seine weibliche reisebegleitung ( auf kosten von turtle entertainment )
seine polnische Reisebegleiterin auf Kosten von Turtle Entertainment... soso :D
tek9 will be there!
Big mistake making it byoc for such a small scene game as ET - that is, if they want many teams and quality games there.
I live in Cph but even I cba to bring my pc there.
see you there :D
holy moly, ET landing on top of my house! Maybe I can finally show my friends that my obsessive ET addiction is no joke!
Is pelle over there ? ??!?!

Damn i'm gonna come over !
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