ESL IPS - The End

image: 30599Some days have already passed since we saw the last match of the ESL International Premiership Series. Some days in which we got several request to publish the final money ranking. We don't want to keep you in suspense any more and are happy to present the money distribution of the ESL IPS Season 1!

The first season of the ESL IPS set many new records for Enemy Territory. No other online tournament in Europe has ever seen a bigger prizemoney than our 1500 € and no other tournament has ever had bigger Qualifiers. Every team should become the chance to qualify for one of the main events for ET in 2006 and to our full satisfaction nearly whole Europe tried to get one of the slots for the IPS. More than 100 teams played from July to September in 6 different national and international Qualifiers a total of 225 matches and made our Qualifiers to one of the biggest and most compact ones in ET history ( Image ). Althought it was our first tournament with such a dimension the response by all teams, players and fans were quite unbelievable. Without a doubt, the IPS was a great success. But who knows Europe's biggest league and the whole Admin Staff behind it, should not forget: We have several new features in mind and are working day by day for season 2.

The IPS First Stage saw 16 teams divided into 4 groups and many close matches. After three weeks each group had found its best two teams which qualified for our IPS Final Stage. To make it even more fair to all teams and more interesting to all spectators we had one big group, as you may know it already from the ESL Pro Series. But this was not the only thing we adopted of the EPS. Our money system with win bonus and many other aspects are an essential part of the EPS and also one of the highlights of the ESL IPS. Furthermore we had 8 matches live on German TV and shoutcasts in many different languages, to make it short: No other ET online tournament was watched by so many users, therefore we would like to thank GIGA, GIGA 2 and who provided tenthousands of slots in the last weeks.

As everyone expected, Estonia could win the IPS. The Estonian powerhouse had no problems and won all matches with just one single map loss. On second place we have Germany Team-Helix. The Germans started furiously into the IPS, could beat idle in their last match on radar and are the most shown ET team on German TV. Equal on points is Europe aMenti on third place, followed by Poland The Netrunners and Europe uQ.Gaming.

Moneypool #1 Best ranks
image: medal_gold Estonia 562 €
image: medal_silver Germany Team-Helix 280 €
image: medal_bronze Europe aMenti 100 €

Moneypool #2 Match money
Estonia 110 €
Germany Team-Helix 70 €
Europe aMenti 70 €
Poland The Netrunners 50 €
Europe uQ.Gaming 50 €

Moneypool #3 GIGA money
Germany Team-Helix 64 €
Poland The Netrunners 64 €
Estonia 48 €
Europe aMenti 32 €

Final Money Ranking
image: medal_gold Estonia 720 €
image: medal_silver Germany Team-Helix 414 €
image: medal_bronze Europe aMenti 202 €
Poland The Netrunners 114 €
Europe uQ.Gaming 50 €

We hope everyone enjoyed the event as much as we did, see you in 2007!
Nice. :o)
good tourney, look forward to the next one
Where's Galahad? Get those rankings updated ^^
did he update them after PGA ?
nice, could you give me url to his column ?
damn, youre fast

maybe lets help galahad and make a step forward by including hardware prizes to the ranking from other lans
Hardware prizes are way too ambiguous :)

He repeatedly said he doesn't want them included.
was a good competition, good luck for the next one.
720 € just for sitting @ home at your computer playing some et.
most likely for 3 years of "sitting @ home at your computer playing some et."
then you must include all the prizes they won.
as the only team from whole community!
woeful, isnt it?
well done ESL`kafux...
nice one guys !
idle and hx ftw:)
Nice 69€ I'll move to Colombia and start a coca plantation! \o/
dafür bekommste ein paar kisten bier!!!!!!

biqq @ biersponsor @ Enlarged 2K7

403 - Forbidden
still "403 - Forbidden"
works fine for me, but you need probably an active session on the ESL page
where's my money??
your money?
ye, we played @ giga too :<
and u dropped out :<
but still we played, right? :[
Hope to see another IPS in 2k7 :D
Nice, when's the next one? :D
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