Speedlink bow out of Eurocup

image: logo_bggreyThe Speedlink side who won Eurocup X and XII have bowed out of Eurocup IV after the loss of former Check6 player L-King. Rather than replacing L-King the side have decided that they will break from CoD2 and the Eurocup with the goal of rebuilding the side in the not too distant future. Trigger had stated here on Crossfire back in November that the side were unsure as to their future, and its good to hear that do still intend on having a future.

Quote by Speedlink TriggerToday we have to announce that L-KiNG and Team-Speedlink will part ways. After more then 6 month now with a stable line-up and L-KiNG playing for Team-Speedlink, he decided to continue playing CoD2 with another team. Its sad to loose a player like him, but since he didnt really have faith in the team anymore and thought he would work out better in another new team, we just couldnt hold him. With this step our line-up will currently include only 4 active players. We had several discussions within our team and decided to leave the Eurocup, any other league (Clanbase, ESL, ...) and will going inactive as a team. We WILL be back, thats the only thing we can tell right now. During the next 2 months we will try our best to complete our lineup again, starting it all over and try to attend the upcoming 4 LAN-Events with a new lineup. Of course we will look out for new members, but we will keep it germanonly and also invite only. We wish L-KiNG all the best with his new team and furthermore in his life."

The finalists of the Crossfire lan will be back, and they seem to be making the most in the current lul in lan events. However if they intend to return for the 5,000 Euro sHgopen they'll need to be efficient as only Germans can in their preperation.
They can pm me when they need a 5th player.
Too many lans in CoD for you.
unexpected :o
little clankiller
gl speedlink, hope they'll get on their old level again
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