Germany vs The Netherlands, the clash continues

image: clanbase_whiteIt has been 9 months now since the first clash where Germany Germany had to fight against
Netherlands The Netherlands in the NationsCup IX Final for the gold medal.

The Germans won their map goldrush_te , which wasn't much of a big surprise for about 2100 ETTV Spectators.With a one map advantage so far, Germany had the slight advantage to be named NationsCup IX Champions over the Netherlands but since it was now time to vote for the Dutch map supplydepot2 ( yes, even maps tend to change from time to time :) ).

The Germans secured the truck and the gold on supplydepot in a time of 8 minutes giving the Dutchies an ultimatum to prove their strong teamwork and aim.
And yes, with only 20 seconds left, they did very well and managed to get an equal score so far after the 2 chosen maps.

Since you and I both now that a game can't end as a draw after 2 maps, eliminations were in order and et_ice has been picked.
As et_ice is a fast map ( lotto maybe ? :p ) this game ended pretty quick because the Netherlands set an amazing time and the Germans just couldn't beat a time of 4 minutes. Therefore the winner from last season's NationsCup IX was known, The Netherlands have beaten Germany with a 4:2 score.

But tonight ... the clash continues!

The Germans are more than eager to get even with The Dutchies and proceed to the NationsCup X SemiFinals. With a somewhat different lineup then last season, the Germans will meet the Dutchies once again !

But we are forgetting the Dutchies in my opinion, they will once more try to stand their ground again and take another win vs The German Powerhouses. The only difference tonight is, both teams aren't fighting for the Gold, they are fighting for a spot in the semi finals.

Let's have a look at the lineups from last season[/b]]

Germany Germany

Germany biqq
Germany Coffinfeeder
Germany riddla
Germany evil
Germany butchji
Germany urtier

Netherlands Netherlands

Netherlands sem
Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands kris
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands foSt
Netherlands mize

As already mentioned, these lineups have changed and for tonight we have:

Germany Germany

Germany keran
Germany hatred
Germany butchji
Germany ohzor4
Germany conan
Germany snoop

Netherlands Netherlands

Netherlands kris
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands joop
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands milk
Netherlands Lightning

As with new lineups, i had to ask what both teams think of tonights game:

Last season Germany lost the final vs The Netherlands, what do you think of tonights match and how eager is Team Germany to win tonight ?

Germany sNoOp : We won't repeat the mistakes we made last time and we will give our best for the match tonight so we can show everybody how strong the germans can be !

Last season it was a very close game versus Germany, the only difference now is, the lineups and the spot you are fighting for. Could you please announce the line up and tell me what you think of tonights match?

Netherlands kris : Last season the motivation of team NL to really go for it was much higher, now we only prac 1 hour before an official. Aslo the lineups are different but i think we got good replacements for the ones we are missing now from last season. For tonight, we will either just loose or win by close, the lineup will be something like: kris perfo joop BuLL milk LiciD.

Good luck to both teams and show us what you got !

You can all spectate this incredible match thanks to
( for all tv links, click here )
image: game1977

There is ofcourse, like always, some shoutcasts in different languages
so you can enjoy the sounds, the yelling, the frustration, ... from:

Germany #a4d.Radio - Z1ppo ( German )

Poland | Shoutcast by Esse - EssePL ( Polish )

United Kingdom Radio iTG - TosspoT ( English )

Germany sTREETFIGHTERS Radio - FlyingDJ ( German )
Let's have a look at the lineups from last season versus the lineups from last season:

*edit* hopefully great game!
gl 2 our neighbours!

4-0 ger :]
woopsie, thx for that one :p
longer news please
blame tables not beeing allowed :D
small change of plans, blame kris, Lightning plays instead of LiCiD
only 2 hackers!
gl my little snoopy
gl both teams! :)
time for revange!
Good luck!
perfo isnt hacking its just skill
totally looking forward to the show tonight!
GL both... give us some awsome entertainment tonight plz :]
with perfo in your team u cant loose
my virtual money on nl :o
hope this will be a good match!

but still i want germany to win this clash!

gL Germany ohzor4 :o)
Quote sNoOp : We won't repeat the mistakes we made last time and we will give our best for the match tonight so we can show everybody how strong the germans can be !

i think YOU did no mistakes last time
"didnt no mistakes?" :P
ill boo perfo from ettv! gl
gl tiemenel
who wants to hear a4d zippo, if you can listen to the ultimative streetfighters radio
gl to both of my neighbours
vraagje an de nederlanders!

Belgie vs RandomTeam

in eender welke sport, zouden jullie voor/tegen belgie supporteren?!?
Wisselt per sport; ik ken niet echt een sport waarin ik belgen subliem zou stellen, net als Nederlanders het bij voetbal altijd verkloten.
in vrouwentennis pwnen ze ons
in veldrijden bij de mannen pwnd sven nijs ons
We hadden het toch over sporten?
<3 I hope it will be a great match =)
Weer geen teKoa.. en dat kan nederland nu wel fataal worden.:O
Kan teKoa nog steeds geen knoppen indrukken met ET ? :x
Hij heeft bedankt voor team NL :O!
hup holland hup
perfo the attention whore omg
gl both team
Nice post Anaconda, gl both teams
streetfighters stream all the way
go perfo! <3
more action @ poker on TV (DSF) from 21h to 22h...
imba teams ;-)
Easy bash for NL!
sure_ofc lol
omg perfos etbot didnt work my money is gone :(
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