ID Talk Quakecon and Wolfenstein

image: Return_to_castle_wolfenstein_boxIn what has been a busy week for ID, winning an emmy was not enough! Nope, ID head's and gaming legends John Carmack and Todd Hollenshead have talked about all things ID Software in a lengthy interview with GameInformer.

As usual these two have not given us a whole lot of information to work with, but for any MP40 baring soldier there are two words you want to know about, Wolfestein and Quakecon, fortunately in this interview ID Software have re-confirmed both of them.

Quote by HollensheadOne of the things we’re working on now, although the rights are currently all back with us,with Wolfenstein in development there’s interest in a Wolfenstein movie. And Sony had the rights for a while and those recently expired and came back to us.

Quote by HollensheadI don’t know if I’m supposed to say this or not, but the Anatole [the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas], that’s where QuakeCon is going to be for the next two years. We’ve entered a two-year deal with them. Last year’s QuakeCon, I think it ended up working out a whole lot better than I thought it was going to be, given the last-minute nature of the way things came together.

There are various Quakewars tidbits from a developers standpoint, but its always good to see the Wolfenstein name branded about by ID software and reconfirming our dreams of the next series. As for Quakecon and the Anatole? If you read on in the article he goes on to talk about the problems with the previous venue, the Gaylord and its gotta be said these are absolutely spot on. The Hilton Anatole was a far superior venue for Quakecon and its good see it'll be there for the next two years.

You can read the full interview Here
i dont see anything on wolf 2?
Maybe you miss the gaping bold in the quote?
No, but i thought there would be more.
Maybe something we wouldn't have already known? Making a fuzz of nothing yet again.
Gaylords name suits them well
It's a nice interview and all, but like earlier posts suggested it really looks like they're concentrating on the 360. And with a quote like Carmack's I still don't feel 100% confident we'll be enjoying RtCW 2 on a PC soon. :(

Quote by CarmackI’ve never been a big believer in cross-platform games, because there are too many compromises you need to make to design the game to be the same game play on both of them and have co-op play across them and all that. So, that’s not a major direction for me.
kinda fucked
Hopefully Nerve is focusing their MP work on the PC platform though.
You'd expect iD would want them to develop it for 360 in the first place, especially since the source for SP seems to be built on that platform too.
great news.
we really need rtcw2 :)
k but how we could know that is next game from wolf series not other qwars style :S that info is so unclear. why they dont say 'we're making new rtcw game pls be patient' ? \:
Wolfenstien (NOT RtCW2) won't be like the gameplay you know and love from RtCW/ET. I don't understand why there is so much hype.
source? or are you just guessing what a game just announced for development is like:)
please, meez knows everything
Let's be honest, a game with RtCW style movement/gameplay built on the q3 engine would not sell to anyone except RTCW/ET players, therefore they would not make such a game. They can make a LOT more money making it work on a 360 and having a long single player than they will fine tuning online gameplay and maps.
It doesn't have to use the Quake 3 engine to be good, or to be Wolfenstein. I'm sure there are quite a few decent engines which could, potentially, imitate the same sort of movement and gamestyle as RTCW or ET. Obviously it won't be the same thing, and obviously many people will be disappointed when it's not RTCW with better graphics + new maps, but it can still be good.
i'm sure there will be mod for RTCW2 which will customize the game, and make it closer to original RTCW
i fear thats the truth. i guess it will be in a wolfenstein like universe, but will suck like any other console fps.
Actually Gears Of War will rox0rs your box0rs. I don't have a 360 myself, but everybody I know that plays it, says it's a heck of a game.
These are the morons that think F.E.A.R is better than ET because it has better graphics, that think Halo is more skilled than Quake because Halo is more realistic.

Gears Of War was one of the most fan single player campaigns I have played, the multi player is pretty poor. These days multi player doesn't matter to development studios, (Specifically console), they just work on single player and put together random elements of SP into multi player without caring about gameplay.
Then again they're still developing Gears Of War as we speak, I just heard from a mate they released 2 new maps yesterday. Aside from sloppy MP in some games I guess it's just coincidence if it works out alright.
They released two new maps, one too small for the game, one too big for the game, and as a side effect the patch also forces the game to 640x480 for a lot of people with LCD's (it was 1280x720 before... black lines > crap res).

I still think it's a fun game... but the MP shouldn't be taken serious :P
A mate of mine reached #2000 out of 500,000 on the rankings yesterday, he's quite enthusiastic about the MP and it's development. :)
The money is in MMORPG's and i wouldn't be suprised if they develping something like that.
i say just get bani to make a mod for rtcw2 and it'll be great :D or just get him to do the whole mp thing, in fact fo nerve i want bani! xD and i can't see the MP being that good (even if it does come out on pc), especially as nerve managed to royally fuck up Quake 4
Modding things like movement and other aspects of gameplay (ie. to make it more like RTCW / ET) is a lot more difficult than editing sounds or graphics (ie. the typical 'mod'). That part highly depends on the tools the developers release to help in mod creation, which in some cases is little to nothing.
gears of war is 3rd person i swear...
Please someone kill Uwe Boll before he gets his attention on this movie :/
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