Crossfire Map contest Announced

image: Atlanta_map_thThe life of a map maker is a hard one at best. Much time invested, little credit rewarded! Think of the thousands of maps that come and go without an eyebrow raised, they're in custom map heaven now, and we at crossfire would like to add to the population of custom map heaven!

With the upcoming Crossfire Lan 2 scheduled for April 13/14/15, we've decided to host a map competition for both ET & CoD2, with the winning maps included in the 5 map pool at the lan finals and the winning map designers taking home over 100 euros worth of SteelSeries products.

The schedule is as follows, maps final entry date is Sunday March 11, with exhibitional matches during the week and competing teams needing to test the map as each clan leader will vote for the winning map which will be announced ten days later on Wednesday 21 March.

Readmore for the rules and regulations, and direct all queries to [email protected]

- Rules

:: Competing entries must be in March 11 at 12 noon GMT
:: Competing entries must be geared towards competitive play
:: The maps must feature these two images in some place on the map, CF Image & Steelseries Image
:: All maps must not have been in any competition, nor older than six months. (Competition means - Clanbase, TWL or any international equivalent, or a match where the outcome is of any significance, be that an exhibition match or cup final. The goal of the tournament is to promote new maps that people currently have no opinion of)
:: You cannot modify current maps, i.e. TE versions. (
:: Multiple entries are allowed
Ooh - I'd enter, but I'm worried about conflicts of interest, given I'm involved as Crossfire LAN staff.

Are multiple entries allowed btw?
EDIT: And are there two prizes (CoD2 + ET) or just one?
Yes multiple entries
Yes you can enter
Yes winners in both games get prizes
scherbius? :)
Wasn't actually the plan when I posted (wasn't eligible under the original rules) but is now!
Been there done that
Got Ideas for maps but not enough time to learn to do them in such a short time.
contact a map maker that could do it and make the map together?
was thinking about it but if I were a mapmaker I would like to make my own maps, not have someone bossing around what to do :p
if i were a mapmaker, i would welcome any good ideas, and cooperating with someone who has the outlines of an entire map in his head would be very nice for making a map in such a short time..

it can be hard when you have different opinions, but in general 2 people could probably do more in just a couple weeks than 1, and thus make a better map

flame me if i totally miss the point :[
I'm sure I've seen at least one post from a mapmaker looking for a concept to map. Might have been Ders? Can't remember.

Send me some details of your concept and I might look at mapping it some time (probably won't, but if it's good you never know)!
Not me, I have my own.
Isn't 2 months barely enough time to get a (very) rough pre-alpha version done of a new 6v6 map?

Edit: I've given it some thought and hereby challenge gtv`arni to enter the competition with an altered version of supply, featuring the CF and Steelseries logos. :)
:: All maps must not be in public release in any shape or form as of today 12 January
I must check my captain's logs, but as far as I know sw_supply_te hasn't been publicly released.
damn :(

Otherwise I'd have three good entries :D
just release them imo. See what ppl say, even though not all textures are done.

See what happens :)
He probably means Adlernest, Crevasse and Sottevast. All three have been in competition, and are therefore excluded from the contest. Correct me if I'm wrong though. :O)
1 good entry and 1 ok entry :P
would kinda take the fun out if it anyway , don't you think?
"All maps must not be in public release in any shape or form as of today 12 January"

This appears to conflict with the rules?

"All maps must not have been in any competition, nor older than six months"

Stop confusing me please!!!
The first is the old rule, the second is the new rule after he realised it might be a good idea to allow maps people have been working on in private or limited release...
What I said ! It's not even 2 months.
Can you provide a non-animated version of the Steelseries logo? I don't think maps can handle animated gifs as textures...
You'd have to split them up into frames, but its possible :p
lazy twat adas trace the fukin thing :)

*edit* just seen the shity logo ! piss to replicate in ps ffs :)
Update; Entry dates and regulations changed and steelseries image changed
nice nice TosspoT and Steelseries
This might inspire me too actually work on my crappy map.
Always good to see initiatives that encourage comp-worthy customs.
nice to all
nice news. gl to the mappers
About time there was a proper mapping comp. Good stuff!!!
will there be votes or something to pick a winner or will the crossfire crew pick a winner?
It says in the post, although it isn't entirely clear.

The winner is picked by a vote from the clanleaders of the clans playing at Crossfire LAN.
Good idea. GL HF
Remove the logo's and release the maps after the competition. :{
Nice idea.
n1ce! gl to mapmakers and looking forward to gr8 new maps!

btw what about sometimes in future Contest with editing old maps as you say TE versions etc.. i think that could be good too :)
Becuase google images let me down!
What's the mapping scene like in CoD2 anyway?
One guys already interested
more contests pls >:( i think we should make a contest for "who is the biggest fucktard?" :D or smth (my vote goes for styla!)
Xfire awards are comming to an internet brower near you very soonish!
nice idea
some person once had an idea of a map from his school or smth, i liked the idea but i duno anymore who came up with it and how it ended.
Was that not cs, cumulating in a school shooting? :/
no, I'm pretty sure it was an ET map and the guy with the idea made a "plan" in paint or smth of how it should look like.
atleast I know one norwegian guy who made an ET map out of the office where he works :D

that was already like 3 years a go tho
i thought it was from a school but it sounds cool though ^^
well, dunno if we're talking about the same map, but the map which I'm talking about was only running on one public server named artic warfare (norwegian) and it was made by a guy named Bloodwire
well in fact i never saw the map itself it was just a guy searching for a mapbuilder and now with this post coming about those mapmakers i suddenly remembered that guy. But I never saw a similar map on any server :<
was it that extremely yellow map? i used to play alot on artic warfare when i was a et newbie ;D
Back in RTCW, Intel ran the Intel Masters tournament at the science museum. The map in grand finals was a custom map built in the science museum. The map sucked, the idea was nice!
As far as I remember that was SneeK_ who had the idea of a making an ET map based on his school.
someone from columbine?
Me and my friends started making our school, but went afk on it :<
remake it for the contest :)
I would, however they are currently working on a more pubbish map at a more steady rate while I'm making a competition styled map.We will see what happens :)
gw hope we will get some new maps for cw
price is a bit small compared to moviecompo ...
Are you willing to add something to the price money? Let's say a .. cake?
Making a map takes a lot of time compared to a movie, but maybe it might be enough to convince somebody to take up an old map project he once started.
feel free to contribute to it :D
crossfire likes RTL Boulevard
Sw_Railgun would be nice :)
Looks smallish. What scale is it on?
image: map1styw3
It's not really big, can move the spawns back though
This is the first phase, after that their will be a fight for the cp inside a villa and it's garden and after another plant obj.

Allies spawn at the blue thingie and the Axis in the brown building at the right
dyna can be planted at that wnb wall, you can throw in the dyna from a hole in the house next to it but you can't jump through
I might as well enter, I still have something from like a year ago. I hope I can finish it in time though, 2 months isn't a shitload of time to make a proper map.
weebull :D
tankrace ? :>
I lold
I finished that one long time ago and it ain't a real competition map imo.
image: map

nice idea btw, ads in maps, i love it <3

more of this pls
nice, another steelseries competiton :)

gl to the participants, tho i the voting system sux
Judges incompetent again? $D
when did i say anything about crossfire judges being incompetent?
ye, didnt think so
I think afew people should team up like the MBL, and make a half decent map, instead of loads of rushed maps tbh!
2 months for a map is way too less imo for a map
the best map should replace adlernest!
imo supply.... overplayed retardmap
even so, it's fucking overplayed, if a good map will show up it should replace it
perhaps 2 good maps show up and both maps can be replaced, perhaps frostbite 2 :DDD
Adler = skill
SD = bug & overplayed & gay, offc
word, really

it should replace gr!
Is this contest only for whos going to the lan ?
I hope not ;)
2 months to tweak even an existing map into any decent comp gameplay is a funny idea and only shows that the ppl who made this up dont have a clue about mapping tbh.

And 100 € of "prize" is not a prize, but even less than a sad joke. Especially because you have to implement their logos which is a HUGE advertising effect.
I think Ifurita once said he needs at least 100 hours for a new map, and he was one of the best mappers for ET (and sadly got driven out of it by the comp community). For my money that doesn't even include playtests of which you need several, add 20-30 hours for each of them.

Good luck guys... if you r in desperate need of comp maps, maybe think about why ;-)
Or that they can't delay the lan for the sake of a contest?

Is the 100€ prize even the incentive? The map gets played in one of the premier competitions, with thousands of people downloading & using it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ifurita's biggest gripe was people not giving new maps a chance - to martyr him yet belittle this seems a little odd, no?
Well then just make it a mapping contest without a sad price money and without any stupid logos in the map then we don't need to discuss incentives here :-P
maps registered?
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