Are Back In Business!

image: czar_logoIf you think of the competitive enemy territory scene, there are very few people who haven't heard of cZar. Playing at a competitive level for over two years has made them somewhat a household name with widely recognised name. Well with the new year, cZar are proud to introduce their latest Enemy Territory Squad:

Belgium mesq
Sweden blaze
Sweden eddie
Belgium snot
Belgium lio
Norway Gjerry
Estonia asd

United Kingdom Splodge

Everyone will remember the big succes of cZar.ET in the previous EuroCup. After achieving surprisingly good results such as beating riZe, one of the favourites to win the EC, as well as winning 4-0 over underscore and singularity. However the former line-up was knocked out on the verge of entering the quarter finals with just one loss against their name.

With the abundance of Skill, Teamplay, Ambition and Vision embedded into this new squad it looks like once again, cZar will be performing at the highest level. Squad leader mesq had the following to say:

Belgium Mesq:
QuoteI'm proud to play for cZar once again and I hope we can succeed in our goals. There is certainly no lack of skill in the team, we just need to train hard to ensure we play well against even the best teams within the ET Scene. We are also looking forward to future LAN events, and we will do everything we can to play at CPC2

Website | IRC

Woehoe, de Snot is er toch bij !! Tricky bastard, liegen tegen mij :< (mesq dan)

1 small remark lieverd, being 3th in the group stage (due to some bad luck) is not a big success unfortunately.
Being someone like you should also be very disappointing.
Mesq plz make up your mind :P

i wish you good luck! :o)
gl lio my lover
gl mesq,blaze,eddie,snot,gjerry,asd :) <3
any particular reason why you don't include lio (as only one of whole the team) ? :p
i dont know him >(
not a loss at all.
omg blaze o eddie...please :/
they aint part of swedish hax community or what? :o
yepp, that's why :/ I don't dislike Blaze, but eddie must be the most retarded guy ever to see the sunlight :O
gl <3
gl mesq/snot
gl gjerry any mesqi<3.
stop posting on xfire and lets play a 3on3 !
Msg "crj" sometime on irc cause my crajsor bnc is fucked up.
Good Luck guys!
Nice lineup
yeah , gl lio met je ZOVEELSTE clan
lio @ pwnage rifl3

gL sn0t and blaz3...YMCA ! :D
good luck in upcoming 2 weeks
Hopefully lio will not be using that razer mouse at this cpc? :P
or he will learn how to install a mouse on a windows computer
no worry's, i bought myself a g5 and an icemat headset ! im fully prepared now
mesq diddnt quit ET again? :d
I.. can't.. believe it.. MESQI IS BACK
GL mesq !! fstrm fanboy =o]
gl lio + gjerry :>
First time of the year, i'll count the newsposts by them! :p
we zitten dus aan 1 :)
Comeback number 20 for mesqi? Can't wait for his next quitting announcement!

Gl for the team anyway. :p
gl mesq and lio
2 weeks ;(
like 6tet?:(
alterego says: journal imo
gl snot and the rest
waiting for decem's reply
gl mesq =)
gl Gjerry cod2 dork
tja din hor(ått)a
kliv av min kuk...
hahaha mesq what a surprise :DDDDDDD
nice logo imo
gl cZar
check out mesq singing a nice song!
Oh please, those have to be the most pathetic lyrics ever. :x
gl mesqi de pesqi and also a bit of luck for lio even tho he's become an arrogant homo.
oh and hoi @ asd aswell.
waar is de gremlin genaamd dnzl? :o

gl guys
not bad for low+
They were a pretty good team but favourites ? :|

gl mesq , lio...
lio wasnt playing in vib?
gl asd blaze
2 weeks 2 days 2 hours 2 minutes and 2 seconds

w/e gl loco + lioco my former rvL buddies:<
gl gjermund ;-)
my guess is that zeto wil be in that team soon
Not too sure about this team tbh... not a very good mixture of players.
My bet is that zeto joins next week, mesq leaves, snot goes inactive and then Kris joins. >:D

Let's hope they prove me wrong though, GL eddie / asd.
nice idea stealing
7days before zeto joins i think , wanna bet?
7 days happens to be a week, what's your point?
mesqi is back. I see a bright future for ET. :-)

gl mesq, but 2 weeks
gl mesq =)
Looks stable, gl
Nice to see cZar back in ET :>
well hello MesQ1, back officially again? :D

I really cant see this team holding up for more than 2 weeks with the same lineup, afterall, community is shit and ET is just a waste of time when there are so much more to do (like running away from cops)

gl MesQ1 8--DDD
I was expecting a couple of your xfire pictures to be uploaded decem... c'mon mate!
when some ehm.. cdap manager which I'm not gonna mention here (fuck you wayne) deleted all the ftp's and stuff that were on them without any warning, I lost most of my sweetie MesQ1 quotes :(

I only have this left:

image: mesq1

some bonus though:
Can you quit your pathetic whine? Mesq is supposed to be the 15 year old kid, but as far as I see there is only one of you 2 acting like his age whilest the other is acting way below his age.

Btw, the former's name starts with an m and ends on esq. So guess who the latter is?
either one of us? I thought he is MesQ1 if u mean that with ur riddle "mesq"
You only prove what I say =)
yeah, thank god I have not said that I'm the most mature person and that I wont flame some random retarded kids
this will be a good team but not able to compete at the highest level tbh
aha bedankt voor die info
gl blaze sexy bitch!
gL mesq en snotje !
oh and a serious one to asd, gl !
GL asd, blaze <33333
he should write:
i'm quiting et again, be back when i get owned in RL
another comeback from my lil' friend mesq!
gl cZar :)

btw never trust mesq with ur sleeping sheets or whatever @ lan events etc
Another 2 week-clan.
GL HH|RaVeN. and over9 LioCo`
ooookay, it was noo mix. gl blaze
this clan will last long until they lose a war and mesq goes afk for several weeks, soo ... don't lose!!1 which will be pretty hard when u have lioco playing:<<
gl blaze

image: lio1
gl(2 weeks)
gl gjerry :)
gl mesq, in some day, you will finally win something, trust me.
lold irl, gl blaze, eddie & gjerry
second that
unexpected xD

gl eddie blaze & gjerry
laughing at who ? mesq ?

he has achieved 10x more than you in gaming

doesnt change the fact that he is a fucking retard :(
I'm laughing at whole team overall, AS a team, not on players because there are some I really like. This team won't work out 100%.
And in some way I'm laughing at mesqi too, because of his great statements and quitting. And yes,probably he did achieve more than me, but where did I say I'm better than him or smth? I'm playing this game for fun, not for "achieving" something, if I would want that I would put myself onto other level of how u say "gaming" or "eSports". So I really don't care what mesqi,you or someone 3rd achieved and I didn't. Besides that, I'm not the only one who "laughed" in this news so you can easily reply to all others too.
Good luck in professional gaming.
K, but it's absolutelly wrong to say "This team won't work out 100%." about whatever team. there aren't teams that "don't work out". it's a matter of praccing.
well,I hope that snot won't go inactive and that lio ll be able to play without zeto/acid,and that mesq wont say "bb et again"... gl otherwise
yep i hope that 2 (K)(L)
nice action @nc
im laughing at you
Since when is succes definied as not being able to make it to the play offs?
mesq? /quit ET or play on? decide plz =)

Gl snot & lio! <3
asdddddddd<3 own .
gl gjerry
nice action @ NC asd. LOL

i blame u
GL asd and gjerry ! one1!!1oe!1!1n
GL mesq and lio <3
gl mesq & asd .
gl eddie
mesq the hacker :O

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