Dignitas focus on zEm

MepH of CPC Champions Dignitas has put the Digi-spotlight on Eurocup Champion Sweden zEm of serious gaming. This lengthly interview features zEm's views on gaming, life and he relives his glorious victory in this past Eurocup season.

QuoteTeam Dignitas: What advice could you give the average CoD2-player if he wanted to step up to professional gaming?

zEm: Get a team that you fit in, dont look for a top team straight ahead, work on your aim, tp and when you feel that you are ready, take another step to a better team or try to make your team better. It's up to you. Try to get a player that you play with all the team, if you take me, I played with a person in 2/3 teams until I joined some others.

You can read the full article Here
Everytime a read Dignitas a hope for a new et team x(
rumours says it might happen! ;P

and btw next spotlight after this one will be on an ET player.
zenon is active on irc these days :x
he even tried downloading ET today, but has failed so far.
etpack v1 !
<Communist> ur planning come back to et ?
<zenon^^> im gonna play the burning crusade
<Communist> too bad:(
zEm is swedish btw
he's one of the coolest ppl I've met in cod2!
no no you're the coolest!
Had to move the post so here is the new link for it: http://www.team-dignitas.org/articles.php?id=45
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