Australia < Japan

image: _41116520_japan_xbox203apAfter being defeated by Australia in last years world cup, Japan has come to get payback, ET style.

Last weeks defeat to Europe left Australia licking their wounds and Japan has stepped up to the challenge. Will we see them handed the same fate that ruined their world cup campaign, or will they put Australia to more shame in ET land? Find out this Sunday @ 12:30CET! The Japanese are expected to ping 150-200 and Australia 200-250. Maps will again be Supply and sw_goldrush_te with Adlernest or Braundorf (decided by cointoss) as a decider if required.

Australia riCo
Australia iceman34
Australia maxxxx
Australia ikez0r
Australia HM
Australia forty

Japan MiRUKU
Japan sirokuma
Japan Stain
Japan Shick
Japan Stacker
Japan Spirytus

Australia Australia 2-4 Japan Japan
Time 12:30 CET
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT
shitty pings for both sides? where is the gameserver located?
same server as Europe vs Australia. the routing from Australia to Asia is really shit, so we couldn't find a closer server. Best we could do was Japan pinging 150-250 (and this was without 2 starters, who pinged 400) and Australia 30-100. So instead of having one team ping well with all their players, we decided to do it this way, which isn't ideal, but there's not much else to do.
I always knew the Japanese were obsessed with "aSSes" :O
Good luck Japan!

Do the Japs have a community site? Or what IRC network/channels can they be found at?
/server -m

#clan_atr &
move to quakenet! it would be funny to speak with some japans :p
they would ping 400 on irc
Parent kthxbb
If you have mixi you could join the rtcw:et community there.

(mixi = japanese myspace)
I really doubt anyone here is able to read Japanese :p
i can, one of my many secret talents.
Change the maps!!!!!!
Hahahaha! :D
lol tosspot hates supply as much as i do
Toss just doesnt want to see another amenti v idle !
We shoot the kangaroos.
I played once in public from japan and ppl there were aimgods
tip spec stain!!!!!!!!
GL &#26085;&#26412;
lolol the pings :D game makes no sense with that pings
Yea, it's like Europe against Australia again... -,-
GL JapanJapan and AustraliaAustralia!
jp ftw ! :D
pwn harbor!!
looks like a strong line-up for Japan

and ike is playing from the start now. thats nice since he did a nice job on sd2 vs eu
HF to both! How many clans/players play ET @ Japan?
Where the hell is Tosspot?
He was up until at least 04:00 GMT this morning, working on ESReality posts and his essay. :p
wp Japan 4-2

When will we see Japan vs Europe ?
why vs Europe, wouldnt it be better to face them versus a one country?
dont think u want that ;)
great match, better than 99% of EU-clan vs. EU-clan matches
well played, Japan Japan!
fun game :)

too bad i lagged out every few seconds
Miruku skilled rifle ;) Want more Japan matches ;)
lol u must be shitting me
he's as skilled with rifle as i am with rifle
so pls ...
forget to take your pills? Im just look at stats and want to motivate these japan players and i will be fanboy of this SKILLED RIFLE YES! :P

you can send me your stats with rifle vs Aus and we will see how good you really r my son :P
LOL! >8O
those were good games :) nice to watch japan's rifle!
Ssso... how many people play et in japan? How many clans?
Where can I find demos from this match?
bl Aus :<
nice game!
i want europe vs japan tbh! :D
was fun to watch
close game
hoping to see more of australia and japan
bamieh chapchoi hiel etuhn of meenehemen?
nummer hooondetaagtenvietaag, met samaal baai ?
neej ketchap kut jap :D
witte lijst elbij
het schijnt dat die jappen campen \o/
lol somehow expected
It was a nice and even game, enjoyable to watch. GG both teams or "otu" like the Japanese tend to say. :)
i'm sure it was fun watching 200ping guys, what an excitement
GZ Japan :)
2bad i lost money :<
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