PBGuid Auth-System is active!

image: pblogodx1The PBGuid Authentication system has now gone active! Your profile has been updated and now allows you to enter your PBGuid, which is what is needed to be able to play on the Crossfire.nu Public.

The system gets updated every 5 minutes so don't expect to be able to play right after you've entered your PBGuid. You will have to wait for at least one map change for the system to pick up newly entered PBGuids.

I've also added two commands for the console with which you can find out who's who on the server. By using /cfname X (where X is the playernumber) you will see who player X is on crossfire. In turn you can also use /cfnames to simply show this information for everyone on the server.

The HP-Left messages are still on by default (waiting on poll results till tomorrow). If you want to turn those off, use /showhpleft 0 in the console.

You can NOT change your PBGuid on each and every given moment. There are restrictions on how often you can change it and how long you have to be a member on crossfire.nu in order to be able to enter a guid.

- Member for at least 2 weeks
- Change allowed once per week

These periods are subject to change.

To find your PBGuid do the following in console

1. Join a server (your own server or a different open public)
2. /clear
3. /pb_myguid
4. /condump myguids.txt
5. /quit
6. Find the file "myguids.txt" in your ETPro folder.
7. Open the file and copy paste the PBguid to your crossfire profile.

BE SURE that you enter this correctly!!! if you make a mistake we will NOT change it for you so there is NO USE to pm either me or any other xfire admin about this!

HF on the Crossfire.nu Public! IP:
image: naamloosff9

Easiest way to get you keys, and you can copy paste them.
Your PBkey is not the same as the PBkey used by yawn online !!! Yawn online only uses 8 last symbols
or you could copy/paste the following line to the console :

/clear;pb_myguid;wait 100;condump "my_PB_guid.txt"

and find the my_PB_guid.txt in the etpro folder... (in case you dont have yawn installed)
:)) is the ip
mappool btw?
Mappool right now is:

what about supply?
overplayed, join cybergames if you want to play supply...
best map in et ever..
I agree with you that it is a good map, it's just overplayed
and gold isnt? frost = resp camp
imo special delivery is nice1, also crevasse, supply (>adlernest)
gold isn't that overplayed here
and yea, special delivery is a great map for a pub
special delivery sucks tbh
Quoteand yea, special delivery is a great map FOR A PUB
i dont like that map in any way..
like I will play it on a pub... I got better things to do ...
not enough maps...and frostbite sucks!
frostbite is better then goldrush :< and radar also sucks with 30 fps :<
then add valhalla. I have the best fps's there. ;)
frostbite is good for allies only :( sad
gj guys, hope it works out
crossfire has a public?
LoL, you opened your closet! :D
im at work ffs :(
since last week, yes.
WTF NEVER USED... and kicked coz some etbot thing ROFL
Short guide:
1. Join server
2. /clear
3. /pb_myguid
4. /guids
5. /condump guidsnstuff
6. /quit
7. Enter guids
cfname command is nice, rest of idea is shite
you are for the win ronner.
we need that system for competion servers aswell imo!
Bah, yawn doesn't give your complete PB Guid :<<
dont use yawn. use /pb_myguid in console.
I'm at the library from the university atm studying (or trying to), so I would've to wait till saturday in 12 days (then I'm coming home). That's why I tried yawn, but it seems i'll have to wait.
yawn worked perfectly here :P But i used the program not the website.
good job guys
go go go! gz
next map plz :)
etpro guid field is only 32 characters long, but guid is 40 chars. Should I enter first 32 characters?
My bad, go ahead and enter your 40 characters now.
I tried to update etproguid and I got error "» Incorrect length for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory ETPro Guid - must be 40 characters long." although I checked that guid was 40 chars long.
same here :)
yerp mee too, pasi35 <3

ps luv u and drukn
wooptidoo, yay for working on crossfire @ 4 AM. Try now.
same here :/
Do firstly the one guid and "update." Then do the other guid. Not both to the same time.
ETPro GUID is 40 chars, but PB GUID is 32 chars. Your profile wants the latter, not the former.

Anyway ETPro GUID is worthless, so it would be idiotic to base this system on it.
filled in my pbguid which pb_myguid gave me, server is not letting me connect.
You have to wait 5 minutes for the system to pick you up
lol ik kom dr niet in or:<
nvm nu wel
Nog een kwartiertje wachten.
You can't see the guids in your profile, nor in other peoples profile :<

Not that it is of any use I can think of right now anyway.
actually i think its good that you cant see the guids in the profile. you won't need the guid of other members anyway unless you want to guid spoof them :))
i got a stable ping of 300 :[

any ideas why ?
yes, buy bettar internetz
be happy that your ping is stable :D
all these nice suggestions - overwhelming!
I can't enter my guid. Only get:
» Incorrect length for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory ETPro Guid - must be 40 characters long.
Well, i counted the characters, and there are 40 of them...

Edit: When i first entered only the pbguid, and then only the etpro guid it worked.. :)
gj Anonymous-crew
i hope its not gonna turn into a "DONT DO OBJ OR WE WILL KICK YOU" public
hehe, agree
OMG ET is all about stats. Playing adlernest and changing the battlefield from objective room to radio room is no fun at all. I want to spawnkill axis 10 minutes non stop, or i'm not pro!
looks promising, gonna try it today :)
And if i ve problems with etpro guid like "UNKNOWN" ?
etpro guid is not needed to play on the server
kan ik spelen :D?
Is it possible to color the crossfire nicks which you see with the command /cfnames ? Would bring a better overview imo.
Ronner is not that 'fashion-minded' ;)
waiting on the 5 min >_<
i cant wait to try it!

i just need to wait 168 hours because i entered etproguid instead pbguid...gg.

random quote: (venue-taLa) you're just a hacker that wants me to change your GUID so you can go hack again

That's not what I said.
What I said was:

"As far as I'm concerned you're just a hacker that wants me to change your GUID to you can go hack again".

That's something different.
yea.. i entered my "fake" pbguid, then cheated on one public server for 5mins and then i pm you for help...rofl :)

btw i entered my etproguid instead of pbguid before ronner posted that "how to take your pbguid" guide.
5 min are over and still cant connect >_<
is reading rly that hard?

QuoteThe system gets updated every 5 minutes so don't expect to be able to play right after you've entered your PBGuid.

QuoteYou will have to wait for at least one map change for the system to pick up newly entered PBGuids.
ja te veel werk.. lees alleen de 5 min
Nice job. Is there already a list with members who can't connect? (Cheaters)

Telnet changed to the system yet?
anyone being banned on xfire can not connect. there is no list of cheaters as we dont have a cheaters policy yet.

telenet has not changed, they are waiting to see how it will work out before they will start using it.
k nice, so the proven nC Cheaters didnt get banned on cf yet? I mean there is no need for ban them on cf. But they shouldn't be allowed to play ET @ public.
grund mehr dort nit zu spielen xD
Ronner what if you have 2 computers, for example i sometimes play public on my pc here in work and sometimes at home? Possibility to enter 2 guids?
Download link for the keeley sex tape if u can sort that
You can copy your etkey file from one computer to the other, so that they both have the same PBGUID.
good job!
love the /cfnames good job

It would also be cool with a live-update on the site somewhere, so that you could see who was on right now :)
on the site And you see there the nicknames, no which crossfire-members are playing.
doesnt work for me, my etpro guid got 6 letter to short and now i cant change it or enter a pbguid :<
don't yell at him, it's not his fault :(
k then I'll yell at you for coding it wrong in the first place, resulting in massive spam from ppl pm-ing me that it doesnt fucking work >:)
You should put the instructions next to the guid textbox on edit profile.
doesnt work for me:(
bind k "clear; wait 10; pb_myguid; wait 10; condump 1.txt; wait 10; quit"

save this in the file tehguid.cfg
connect to server
type in console /exec tehguid.cfg
close console and press k
go to etpro, open 1.txt copy pb guid from there and paste here at 'edit profile'

i have to enter both (pbguid & etproguid)?
and how long is the pbguid?
pbguid only
but with /pb_myguid
the guid is is 33letters long and @ yawn its 8 letters (same with pb_plist)
FFS.. #care about yawn plz.

PBGuids are 32 charactes long.. the ones you see on yawn are only the last 8 characters of someone's pbguid.
CB should implement something like this x_x
if its in the config they could but dunno how it works. if its smtg they got to do on the server its pretty useless
For once CB should follow xfire. I'm not a big supported of one global config and all leagues being the same but this protection system should be used by CB.

Ok, ppl should make accounts at their community sites, but it is the only way of preventing cheaters to flood the scene. Also it would be virtualy impossbile to become highskilled overnight as you wont have a history.

And while we are at it, force ppl to use yawn and register it to :P Die nicklamers! Die cheaters!
The only way that'd work is if you turned the ET scene into a closed community - that'll never happen.
I dont think so. Anybody can play ETpo, there are thousand of pubs out there.

BUT if you wanted to play on servers like bio, locked box, efter, tele, etc you would need to have registered your nick.

IF you wanted to start playing competition, CB, one day cup etc you should need an account at xfire or any other community site.

Ppl who play once a week wont bother, ppl who play it everyday will register :P Whats the difference between registring at qnet or at ETkey? If this system would get adopted, I would never played unregistered hacking nobodies, or play on cheaters infested servers like Hirntot or S@do.
You've missunderstood what I'm saying.

Currently someone gets banned, takes a new nick, changes their guids & carries on playing. Unless Crossfire was turned into a closed community (ie new people can't register) they'd just register on here again & carry on.
You ban their IPs from crossfire, right? Anyway, ofcourse some will find ways around it, proxies and maybe more I don't really know.
Still, I think it would decrease the number of cheaters..
Proxies are extremely slow if you use free services.

Afaik, xfire blocks proxy's connecting to the site. At least kamz was spamming me all night because he couldnt connect to xfire. btw:


So bad you got banned kamz, we will missed you :'(
Ofc they reregister. But thats the point of 'buying' an etkey by making a new account and having to wait one month. You would be paying by waiting one month before being able to play competition.

Most cheaters are short term ppl. For example they suck at ET, and instead of learning the game like we all do they choose the quick fix: use hax! I think having to wait a full month would get rid of a lot of cheaters :P
What if they register several accounts at once (10+)?
You could require players in competitions (and public servers if the admins want to) to register at a service (nick/email/pw), require them to pay a small fee (like 2-5€), which in return gives them a key (or better: an encrypted key). This key could then be checked upon connecting to a server. If the key is valid/not banned, the player can stay.
The money could be used for maintenance and as prize money for competitions.

I guess the best way to do this would be having a small program, which gives you the possibility to log in and enter your key.
When the player starts ET and wants to connect to a server, the program would intercept the ip of the server and send the account information (ingame nick, registered nick, key) to this server. The server would send this data to the master server (should be the most secure way), which checks the account informations and verifies the encrypted key (decrypt and check if the key exists and does belong to the given account). The master server would send his response to the game server, which could now let the player connect or not.
All sounds great, but how do you stop the hackers buying another?
Depends on the system used for payment I guess (paypal?/...). Some system which requires real addresses and disallows multiple accounts would be best, obviously.
Anyway, if they buy another key, they'd be paying our prize money :>
I guess this was done with LUA (what else?). So, no CB can't use it (no hashes for lua files = anyone can alter the script the way he likes).
Elaborate? :P
I thought there are no checks for lua files (like certified configs, mapscript-hashes)?
see lua_allowedmodules in TFM

even so, there are a few reasons it would be hard for leagues to adopt something like this. The main one is that the current etpro lua stuff can't directly talk to the network, so an external process is needed to distribute the GUID list. Getting this on every clans match server could be a problem.
They do with guids.
yes, however, they do it with stupid etpro guids. useless for teh win!
- Member for at least 2 weeks
- Change allowed once per week
ETPro Guid
- Member for at least 1 week
- Change allowed once per day

Force ppl to upload their pbkey to xfire, one pb key is 67bytes and even if you have to save it in 4kb packages, 10000xfire users would amount to 40mb of pbkeys, shouldnt realy be a problem.

Dont allow ppl to delete their pbkey. sometimes you need to delete your pbkey, but you should be forced to put back the original key saved at crossfire.nu.

We should start using pbkey as real cdkeys. You cannot lose an original game key, neither can you lose your pbkey. You would be 'buying' the game by making an account on your local community site (xfire.be, et-center, telenet, etc) and keeping that account for one month (2 weeks is a bit fast, but maybe this is a must for ppl to accept this system)
Good Idea ;o
Ofc, i am superman.
can you fly?
and u could still not ban cheaters, cause they just create a new account and reinstall et...
or did i misunderstand something?
rly nice idea
let's make this with CB/WL/etc
best idea ever. we need this :o
A bad admin (or a leaked admin password) can already do a lot of damage with this system, storing the pbkeys would just be asking for trouble imho.
user passwords cannot be seen by server admins, so i guess that shouldnt be so hard to code ...
I'm talking about xfire admins. ;)
That is something like I said but it got deleted :(
Nice idea at last. For sure it will improve level of gaming in ET

And imo other 'well-known' servers should use this database to avoid cheating

Overdrive is right - ET doesn't have normal key but how about starting use free key as a normal cdkey ? w/o it you wouldn't be allowed to connect to servers (maybe not those with 64 slots)
who would distribute this free key? and if someone got caught, he just takes new key?
read what did Overdrive say over. It's a nice idea to use for example pbkey or etpro (etkey? [;) as normal cdkey or let's invent some new authenticity form i dont know if it would be possible to do so.
but what if you reinstall game? then you have new pbguid right?
how can i get my etpro guid, btw? =)
why you tell to connect to server?

just enter main menu of et and then

/condump 1.txt
If possible: remove radar , add sd2
why is changing of pbguid allowed only once per week?
so you can't reconnect right after getting kicked?
well if you get banned by pbguid for cheating you can't just delete etkey and reconnect.
eh, if u get banned, what does it matter what pbguid u have?
Bans are detected based on your pb guid, not IP or etpro guid. So it matters what your pb guid is because that's what gets banned.
nice server ;] super guys
YES! one good server whit out supply
nice, btw, we use the same system sucessfull for the last 4 weeks on our Headshot server: http://www.ef-clan.org/board/thread.php?threadid=2672

Helps to keep the random server hopping cheaters off...
I know. You are using a php solution, reading the serverlogs. We are using a lua script which is simply running within etpro.
we should get together in a few weeks and share experiences...
Really impressive tbh and gd server ye =>
question :
if i add my guid now, and change my hdd next week, will it still work?
yes. cuz your hdd will change your etpro guid, not your pbguid.

pbguid only changes when you delete your etkey (either by deleting it manually or reinstalling et or whatever)
thats one of the lagg(i)est servers I have ever seen

e: "i" added by request of lettu !
np chmpp.. it was the ettv and apache taking more cpu time than needed.. changed that now
ihQ englanti <3
I agree, Even though I had a 48 ping...It felt like I was on an NA server pinging 150-200.

My bullets took like 2 secs to hit a box
now start banning busted people from xfire
i think they have already banned them
atleast those that fusen busted
not just from fusens list :/, retards like kurbads still posting like nothing happened
kurbads went months ago afaik
nope, still alive'n'kicking
time to make a second account
r-tard serv <.<
give us cathedral!
I second ! <3
looking 4ward to see the published pb guid system.
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