It is all about the swedes...

image: logo Same procedure as every week, James.
This week, vicious and evil is presenting you two new Squads at their home.
Let me introduce that with the changes in our ET Section. We have to annouce that silentium will go their own way in the future. Since they couldn't fill in our expectations we were looking for another Team and we found a new one, called Europe Team-NV. Team-NV is also known as the former necromantia / ec4 Team, led by United Kingdom Rahul iplaygod Nahar.
So we are proud to present you the new EnemyTerritory Team with the following Lineup:

[*] United Kingdom Rahul iplaygod / hentai Nahar
[*] United Kingdom Jacob Hat Templeton
[*] Netherlands Mats Viax de Ronde
[*] Finland Ilari crew Nurmikivi
[*] Finland Juuso Slyfox Rossi
[*] Germany Florian Sight Corschulte
[*] Scotland Jonny slash Callaghan

Now you will think what all those guys have to to with the swedes. Well, nothing. But continue reading, because now it is time to announce our new Call of Duty 2 Team which will try to representate our name in the CoD Scene. They are currently playing Clanbase Opencup Premier Group and will try to attend at the Denmark sHgopen in Copenhagen. Im proud to present you Sweden Gayunit as vae.CoD 2 with the following Lineup:

[*] Sweden Carl xHabit Carlsson
[*] Sweden Andreas Elm0 Elvelin
[*] Sweden Tim m0gh Pedersen
[*] Sweden Zackarias muppAz Everberg
[*] Sweden Dennis donk Kvist

As you can see they are all swedes and we are addicted to swedes. It is all about the swedes. Feel free to support our new Teams.

Crossfire Team
Gayunit :D awesome
lol @ gayunit. They are swedes?? How unEXPECTED.

ps. (lolled at Carl Carlsson image: 200px-Carl_Carlson )
whoooooo? I know viax :)
gl hf lanboys
ohne Mitti war Silentium ja auch nur noch high- ...

gl Sight :)

btw. habn fehler gefunden swine :p
Now you will think what all that guys have to to with the swedes.
silentium will go their on way in the future.
Don't blame his english skills :)
as always :p
Nice attentionwhoring.
sights real name is Melcom Acbar Mustafa he is just too shy to admit that he is arab
n1ce wie du mich entfakest =(
GL Slasheh you hairy cunt! >:D

GL2u2 Ile <3
WOHOOOOOO Flowstar OWNZ!!! gL <3333333
gl vihaxx :d
gl ikickpigeons!
gl rahul & co.
gl gayunit :)
GL slyfox
GL sight =)
gl raakalarska.
mogh is from Norway (i think)
Viax wins!
Am I no longer the highskilled uberinactive backup? :<
Not unless you're less uberinactive. :{
gl, hent,crew,viax, hat & mates
GL guys
florian o/
Good luck hentai, Hat ,Viax ,crew :-)
swine!!! :DDD
Gl mister I-shoot-8-hs-per-kill.
you're the one who said i shoot 8hs a kill tbh! :<
Isn't the word out yet?
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