YAWn! implements Crossfire GUIDs

image: logo We are proud to announce that the well-known online identification tool YAWn! by Boozze Gaming's Belgium Tziek has recently been updated to implement the ET PunkBuster GUIDs entered on Crossfire !

When you look up a player on YAWn!, it will now check if the PB GUID for that player as it exists in the YAWn! database matches any of the GUIDs entered on Crossfire. If that is the case, you will be presented with the following new icon in the right column:

image: ico_notice The punkbuster guid is known to other game communities/leagues.

When you click the icon, it will take you to the page that tells you what username the player is registered on here at Crossfire, and clicking that username will take you directly to their profile.

But don't take my word for it, see for yourself:

Please note that the GUIDs as they are provided to YAWn! are updated on a regular interval basis. They will not show up immediately after inputting your GUID on your profile.
Why did you change your guid!
You could have 2 triangles behind your name ;)
im was scared of cheatbusters and decided to buy a new computer
Indeed, bulld0g is on a spree!
"Hmm, thanks for minding me on my mistakes Bull"

Ye Np taLa!
I blame fiki =]
Ja, betrek mij er maar weer bij!
Hi taLaji.
hi2u kupke
nice :]
i fucking care
stfu fucking retard!

you are always accusing people for cheating and now when some people stick their free time into something like this and actually trying to prevent people from cheating you are the one who is saying "i fucking care"

its easy to accuse people for cheating but its a diffrent thing when you actually are trying to stop people from cheating like the crossfire and yawn crew are trying to do!

so unless you don't have anything better to say I suggest you shut the fuck up and stop accusing people for cheating when you aint doing a shit stop the cheaters!
im always accusing? "ok"


this wont stop anybody from cheating. -> I DO CARE OMG
you were always telling that fayntic are cheating and always accusing spNk...

maybe this wont stop people from cheating but it will identify the cheaters
lol. efax was the only one. kthxbye

Please note that the GUIDs as they are provided to YAWn! are updated on a regular interval basis. They will not show up immediately after inputting your GUID on your profile.
Please note that the GUIDs as they are provided to YAWn! are updated on a regular interval basis. They will not show up immediately after inputting your GUID on your profile.
Please note that the GUIDs as they are provided to YAWn! are updated on a regular interval basis. They will not show up immediately after inputting your GUID on your profile.
now we can see all fanbois x]

aha! cheater!
i thought i was after been caught hackin for a min earlier before i read this lol!
your english i dont can understand
well try reading it again u spink cunt
to be fair etnies, ive got to agree with him.. that makes absolutely no sense xD
gawd apple spelling mistakes u sunk to a new low! d - b how did i invert that d!

more triangles, I already got red & yellow
gr8! So dou you thin its good to backup etkey f.e. when reinstall PC or new PC and PBGuid will be still the same, something like really KEY for ET? Just asking thx :)
short answer, yes!
thx! thats gr8 imo - if we force players to keep their etkey as o unique and usefull type of identification it can be good way.
I'm sick of playing in this police state!
... cheater world
Don't enter your guid then.
BooZZe gaming <333 :D good old days
Since I assume ClanBase C&A has cheated you recently to work more closely, perhaps this is also another idea to do with ClanBase.
nice....really useful!
great work :)
very nice
goeien bal jerre
Looks like yellow warning. :E
I won't use it.
you can say that again
shiiiiiiiiiiit! now everyone knows that i fake a lot :D


care :)

i always look how long it takes the other players to detect the nickfaker :)
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