One in One out!

Another busy week at the business end of Call of Duty, multigaming organisation has seen reason wave goodbye to their CoD2 division, but as the Beatles sang, 'You say goodbye, whilst I say Hello!' and they've welcomed in a new lineup!

Reason Gaming who's leader United Kingdom rG was interviewed here on Crossfire have disbanded. Their Eurocup match against Dignitas last weekend was eventually to be their last. The sequence of events actually saw the leave the reason gaming side and then disband, their lack of desire for lanning did not sit well with the Reason management. The lack of stability in the lineup over previous months meant that they faced an uphill struggle despite a talented roster and finally the side called it a day. However, this evening they've assembled a new lineup with some of their old side and some of the former TmG side.

Reason's new roster[/b]]
Ireland Karl
United Kingdom Junior
United Kingdom phonic9
United Kingdom Niggle
United Kingdom Blackmane
Norway Torsh

Finland Insignia Cadre have returned to Call of Duty. The finnish multigaming organisation have picked up the former Frag Insane side. There are some big boots to fill in Insignia Cadre however with some stability they may just do it. The side narrowly missed out on qualification to the knockout stages of this season Eurocup and will be hoping for a brighter future under their new banner.

The new Cadre lineup[/b]]
Finland Feanor
Finland ferdi
Finland kilu
Finland limec
Finland penjay
Finland raiskale

Quote by penjayAfter trying several different multigamings we managed to end up unluckily/unespectedly every single time. Most commonly cos of no support, but also cos of communication problems with the management. Now after our team lost a big amount of motivation due to yet another disappointment in preceding multigaming and dropping out of EC we needed something to keep us up. So I'm really happy to announce our joining in a respected multigaming that Insignia Cadre is. We will surely do our best during our partnership.

In small CoD EC news, the Eurocup has been forced into a single elimination format for the knockout stages after many matches were completed late. Many of the big names have fallen from grace with names such as Dignitas, Logitech & TeK-9 failing to qualify.

Sources: & Reason
Very promissing lineup
push it in push it out , shuvv it in shuvv it out disco lady?
that lyric doesnt exist:P
Sure does, 'You say goodbye, whilst I say Hello...Hello Hello, while you say goodbye I say hello'
nice line up but team dignitas ftw !
gl phonic ;)
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