SHG Open ET tourney rules released

image: shgpy1

With the shgOpen 2007 Enemy Territory tournament a mere twenty days away, and the first confirmed attendees announced, it is time to bring you some more information on the tournament. With over €5000 up for grabs in ET, and teams from across Europe competing, it promises to be an amazing event. Read on for the Enemy Territory tournament rules.

With signups for the event still open, it is unknown how many teams will be in competition, so any precise structure or schedule for the tournament is yet to be confirmed, however in all cases the tournament will kick off at 18:00 CET on Friday 16th February and conclude by mid-afternoon on Sunday 18th February, as indicated by the timetable on the shgOpen website.

The tournament will feature six maps - sw_goldrush, supply, braundorf_b4, frostbite, radar and sw_cathedral_b7, five of which are featured in the current ClanBase EuroCup season, with the final wildcard choice a returning map from 2004. The maps played in each match in the ET tournament will be selected at random, so competing teams are advised to prepare on them all. The server config will be identical to the current ClanBase ET 6v6 official config, with the exception of some changes to the netsettings restriction for LAN play.

The full provisional rules can be found on ClanBase
nice rules.

1st btw.
gl hf all
Quote5.4. As teams may be required to compete on the stage, it is required that all teams remove any offensive material and pornography from their desktops.
sw_cathedral_b7 NAAAAAIIIIZ
cathedral <3
sw_cathedral_b7 <-- WTF
sw_cathedral_b7 rofl
<3 cathedral =))))
bla bla cathedral bla bla
cathedral? how can you say "nice". nice-looking map for the eyes, but stupid map to play.
ET marathon runners will love it ;)
like to play that map, but only @ 30+ slot publics
sw_cathedral_b7 <- no wai!
Radar <-- WTF
sw_cathedral_b7 :ddd
so this is the possibility for other teams to beat idle?
why? Because all teams pracced cathedral except idle?
Great, now we have to learn a new map and make tactics in a couple of weeks. And uhm, were not gonna get a prac on the map, because no other teams but the SHG teams will be praccing it.
No Adler GREAT !
cathedral oO
fucking public map?
sw_cathedral_b7 wtf :D
thought adacore and lab weren't some of the "lol lets be funny and put a new map into the mappool that no team can really prac nor do we know if its actually good but who cares its only about 5000€" admins
thats just that you have a possibility to lose!
maybe idle will actually lose now!
sw_cathedral is a good map, nice to see it in the mappool.
genre t croyant :-)
Quote1.4. Abusive behaviour towards the shgOpen staff, tournament admins or opponents at any time during the tournament is unacceptable and will be punished.
Does this include getting opponents drunk? :)

QuoteIn addition, the te_valhalla map will be used for 1v1 rounds only. The timelimit for te_valhalla will be 3 minutes, for a total of 6 minutes per 1v1 round.

Quote7.2. Teams may be required to play any match on the stage. If so, teams will be notified at least twenty (20) minutes prior to the start time of that match.
I thought 1v1 was cooler than knife-round for a tie breaker, if we need one. Each team nominates their champion, and they go head to head :D

Note: “Team A” and “Team B” are purely illustrative terms and are not intended to indicate specific teams competing in the tournament.


nice rules except for the cathedral part guys
(ada i still think its way too confusing and big (parts courtyard) to introduce at a LAN and its not a good decision to put a map like this in 3 weeks prior to a 5000 euro tournament. Apart from this i agree with lakaii that its nearly impossible to prac the map except against other SHGopen teams which is kinda lame cuz u will know how the other teams play already :(( )
it is the other way around. they will know how you play already and thats lame.
but you will also know how they play so thats good.

also, it means that little luck will be needed, and idle may lose a map.

but anyway i agree, that its not good choice.
Cathedral = radar. One map with same objective set is enough !
Never thought of that, it's actually the excact same objectives, and about the same size of Radar. In my opinion remove one of the two, I don't care which one.
pretty standard maps, except cathedral, on which I can remember playing vs polish haxx0rs a long time ago :<
I miss svarvadel !!!!!!!1111
aCoZz not going to LAN... UNEXPECTED :[
aCoZz didn't abandon his country to live in a rich one, which makes him unable to go. UNEXPECTED.
dmr was 4 and had no options! if you call this rich then I am more than happy to switch places with you! UNEXPECTED
i like it when maps like cathedral are played at lans
2nd prize should be 1337€
selling old cathedral demos for LAN-teams (for tax)
I got some kick ass strats... only 5 dollah!
You won't be rich i guess.
see you there!
who really cares about TosspoT and what maps he wants...
nice maplist!
<3 cathedral
i want to see delivery damn!
cathedral nice!
Cathedral is very nice ! Alway enjoyed that one :D
Cathedral > all. Only radar is better. Nice choice
remember some cathedralfrags from the wow movie :D
It was first action in "WoW TV" movie ^^
Thanks for picking sw_cathedral guys that $5000 check i bribed you with is in the post!!!

I think some of the haters might be pleasantly suprised by the changes since they last hated it in 2004 :)

good luck to all teams.
did you create cathedral?
nice map, mustve taken some time and commitment to make!
but i dont give blowjobs to guys believing that i will get a girl :D
i don't! i think you need a new sarcasm detector :(
only if u use the one I buy and use it on the comment above
Some nice changes BB.
only 3 teams signed up :/
cathedral! =)
why no polish team? :/
Why u play b7 if there's final version?
cathedral_final was released in 2004. sw_cathedral_b7 is an updated version of that map tweaked for competitive play that i made last year. So it's a newer version hence the sw_ at the start of the name.

The main difference between the two is that i removed the entire upper section inside the main cathedral building. This makes the map much smaller and less confusing. I think people will like it better once they've actually tried it. I also added a few other tweaks to the rest of the map all aimed at making it play better.
Oh! So many good maps and they choose CATHEDRAL? As somebody said - nice atmosphere but fucked up playing - radar is enough imo :( Golden sw_goldrush my dear!

But who cares about my opinion i know :)
thx sweetheart ;)
Your welcome. 2 words for nice asscrawling remunerate.
sorry lowskill english :(
radar2 please
6. Cheating

6.1. All programs or files, be they changed game files or new files, that change the game or add to its functionality, or that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. Modified versions of the game's resource files are always forbidden, regardless of what they do. The use of any forbidden program or file by any team member during a match leads to a forfeit loss for that team, and may result in disqualification from the tournament.

games resources files arent cfg's.
Yeah pretty sure they're referring to modified PK3's. :)
i heard about lans where you had to play on default cfg.
Sounds very scary :>
resize it ffs
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