12 to 16 for ET

After receiving massive interest in the ET competition at CPC2 I've been long looking at how to expand the tournament structure to include more teams and with an all be it unorthodox solution, we're glad to announce that the ET tournament will now be 16 teams big, instead of 12.

Our initial schedule has been changed and at the event, we're running games later, however the most crucial fact is that we will run 4 matches from the tournament online. The tournament is set out with 4 teams in each group, each team is seeded and the highest seed will play the lowest seed from each group online. This was chosen as it is the match most unlikely to be effected by online or offline conditions.

Whilst this is not the most ideal setup for a LAN event, its a simple question to those players who want to come and sit in the 12-16 team bracket. Would you rather play 1 game online and still 2 more on LAN, or simply not come to the LAN at all?

At the end of this week a lot more information will be released on a variety of aspects for the event, schedules, groups, seeds and of course invites and qualifiers.
go to sleep its late! and how come ur not drunk? O_o
Drank enough last night to keep me going for a year
hehe...nice to see that the no of teams have increased! :)
Would rather play 1 online than not coming to a LAN!
When he came online this afternoon, he didn't even remember making a journal, rofl.
I dont think there are 16 ET clans atm ^^
25+ teams signed up atm
yea but like, what teams ? cant be more than 4-5 high skilled and 4-5 med skilled
Hej Grodanboll!
det är inte jag :P
grodanboll aer nuggan imo
ye whatever mr.Iowndignitas
wow that is very nice! I think qualifiers should be played online, not @ LAN
good decision, considering 25 signed up teams
ya, I got bored counting
u know how to earn your money, sir!
Make the days longer, so more can be played @ LAN :))
i agree on this.
I always wanted 48h days
twidi @ hardon
more chance of qualifing with our team !
<< will be signing up soon ;)

...good news btw. More income for CPC3 too! >:D
whats the delay? lol

Quote1) Create your Crossfire Clan ID on the website - HERE - (url)
2) Then send an email to tosspot at gmail.com once your Clan has its complete roster. Stating which tournament(s) you wish to be entered for. (Make sure to include a link to that roster)

u dont need to pay for now, deadline to pay is later :)[
Danone already ordered his ticket
tbh just make the lan longer if possible :p
so we can drink tequila in ur hotelroom for longer! 8)))
great news. nice idea.
nice idea, toss
great to see more spots at the lan! :D
well done
will this affect the prizemoney for ET? :p
or we can all go out and get drunk and stoned instead.
12 teams which would qualify will say they want to play all matches @ LAN, but those 4 teams which would qualify if you increase number of slots from 12 to 16 will say, they can play 1 match online and two offline
isnt it possible to set up a free for all and a tourney where you need to qualify for ?
so that the teams who wanna play but dont qualify still have a reason to go
cause meeting friends is no good reason for some
You have to realise the limitations of time and being able to run 4 games at once maximum, including cod, et and rtcw. Its just not possible in that amount of time.
meeting friends is a excellent idea - phfun :)


( and i can't use reply coz it's bugged for me :/ )
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