shgOpen in numbers

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During last weekend the yearly event shgOpen, hosted by, was held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen. A grand total of 13.000 people visited the exposition and LAN area during the weekend, people from 22 different countries participated in the event and 20 companies displayed thier products at the expo.

These are all great numbers and would make you think that it has been a good deal for, however the CEO of the company, Thomas Falborg, was interviewed this monday by the Danish IT-newspaper Comon. During this interview he came up with some other numbers that put everything in perspective.

- The prize pool was 500.000 DKr. (67.064 Euro)
- The rent of the Bella Center was 3 million DKr. (402.387 Euro)
- The income from the gamers was estimated at 500.000 DKr.
- The income from the expo-companies was estimated to 1 million DKr.

By this you can already see that there are more money going out from the company, than there is coming in. I do not know how came up with the number but they have estimated that they need to sell products of the value 40-50 million DKr. (5.365.166 - 6.706.458 Euro) before they will have all thier expenses covered from this event. It puts everything a bit into a perspective of how much money it takes to host an event as big as shgOpen.

- (in Danish)
i got no life >_> woho, getting first comment is zo important
If they mentioned everythign as expenses, its impossible for them to make a loss of approx 5 mill Euros :S
It's a promotional event for them, taken from their advertisment budget?
Yes it is a promotional event for them, it is just hard to measure how much extra income it will provide.

It states in the interview/article that they are currently considering if there will be a shgOpen 2008 and that they want partners for the event. They've had 2 persons working constantly on organizing the event.
You don't need a direct return from all advertisments :p Could just be to raise brand awareness etc.

Guess a partner never hurts ^^
probably every pic taken at shg will have coca-cola zero on it even though it tastes like shit :d

it taste really bad, but i probably had like 20 cans of it during the weekend...lolz..
silly fucking currencies, give me sterling or dollar
300.000 euro on minus, nice :D
So they ended up with a net hundred euros deficit. oh no!
No profit with a sponsorlist like this?
I don't really believe it!
And anyways, no plans?
Nah, I really don't believe it, must be fake info!
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