CPC Schedule & Qualifiers

We have released a tentative schedule for the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge 2, this schedule is designed to give you an idea when you can plan your travel, however we do stress if you are a team that expects to be in the finals, please keep good time free on Sunday evening just incase of delays.
You can download the schedule Here

The CPC Qualifiers started Monday night, with oxid getting out of the blocks early against german side adacom (dSlash), beating them 13-6. And becoming the first team to qualify for the event in enschede. Hot on their heals were the next two qualifiers in ET: vib and cZar respectivly.

Tonight sees the remaining five ET qualifiers take place:

Europe morrigu 0 - 4 Poland Fear Factory - ETTV
Europe dtekt 4 - 2 Italy Agony Realm - ETTV
Estonia suXus 4 - 0 Europe clanALIS
Europe pingwins 4 - 0 Italy retro4u - ETTV

Update: Due to rewind being unable to play their qualifier and dropping from the competition team helix have been given an invite, they where the next in line. This means suXus will play clanALIS in a qualifier.

And finally payments are due for all teams attending the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge. Each ET and CoD entry is 35 euros per player (if you are playing with 7, 7 payments are due), RTCW payment is 25 euros per player. We urge teams to pay well in advance of March 9th to avoid any problems and the risk of losing your spot to another team.

Please make your payment to the following bank (note we only accept bank transfers):
- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC
gl KiH and defs
kiitos' luckwishes are jinxed
too bad you lost rbnt :< <3
gL vae. ;O)
I think it will be a very interesting match for all clans because they are really playing for something very nice.
Gl to all
gl KiH, you should have get a direct invite imo! :(
Why? in what way have they proven thereself?
for the rtcw tourney too
They wouldn't attend.
i dont think KiH will make it, too bad

gl anyway
gl KiH and cZar
when will the groups be announced? [ye after qualis but when exactly :P]
Definitely not until we have confirmed payments from all the teams, and replaced those unable to attend, so at least a fortnight...
when u say payments u mean the payment to go to the lan or travel arrangements too, cos for example, if we're in group d or smth i could get a better flight or smth like that since the schedule was posted :)
LAN Entry fee
The exact order of games is by no means certain yet. Although the most obvious likely change is actually swapping GroupD1 with GroupB3 to enable teams 1 and 3 in group D to stay on for a second game after their first, as is happening with the other groups.

I would imagine the start times as regarding the various groups will remain roughly the same as they are now, but anything could happen, and bear in mind you have to be there at least 30 minutes before so you can get straight on with setting up, since we have a very tight schedule (just look at it :x).
I bet that Adacore made this schedule :D
gg gl @ czar
MIJN GELD !!!! :((((
wtf u want money? good thing we lost :S
wrong link @ ettv for ff-morrigu
Gl to pingwins go lightning! =)
Easy bash for ALIS!
Agreed! See you at the LAN! LOL.
It's Netherlands Morrigu!
Only Dutchies!
only pwners
and only one cheater
Quote We have released a tentative schedule for the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge 2, this schedule is designed to give you an idea when you can plan your travel, however we do stress if you are a team that expects to be in the finals, please keep good time free on Sunday evening just incase of delays.

You do know it is an ordinairy week in april? That people have to go to work/school ? exams etc?

I know its all tight schedule etc etc but still.. think of the rest...
Not in Belgium :)
Not for STUDENTS in Belgium!
Keep that in mind young padawan!
Belgium aint europe ;)

Besides it doesnt mather for me. Graduated anyways a month ago xD. But still enough peeps who need to go to school/work etc...
student is a big word ;P
just like you couldn't take a couple day off from the school? :D
but for workers the situation is a bit different tho :p
What paid holidays are for :o
If you got exams, its a rather odd to take a day off to play some game at a LAN, or wouldnt it?
it is the weekend of the easter holidays ;)

We picked this weekend because it most people have the thursday/friday off because of the holidays...
Bye bye ALIS
gL to FF! <3
good luck helix and a+r :-)
gl ramin,riddla,murda,drago =]
HF evrybody <(8-]
Europe PINGWINS or Italy RETRO ?

on which one should i bet ?
gL m4ds!!
fuck off suxus ... fairplay ftw
ofc fairplay. We cant move forever the match. Why are you angry about us ?
"Teams need to be aware that their matches HAVE to be played on one of the two qualifying days, February 27th and 28th."
These are the rules. If you cant play by rules you cant play in tourament. You did not know that you have an change. Unlucky. But not our fault. Alis at least try'd . And belive me- we would be more happy when we would win vs rewind.
wtf suxus? why we cant play tomorow or at friday... realy gg?!
because tosspot won't let you to ..
Not true :)
rewind drops the qualifier match due to player issues and helix don't need to play any qualifier anymore and gets a direct invite? ..

what is this, joke gallore ??
wheres the connection between helix and rewind?
don't ask me ..

helix would've needed to qualify, the same as rewind.

rewind drops and helix gets directly invited? ..

instead of letting rewind play tomorrow or fridays ..

no, they keep it strict to 2 days ..
like, everyone has to be free for cpc2 qualifier and drop everything else, no matter how important or what happened...

y0 .. yn0t
Well, otherwise suXus would've pretty much gotten a direct invite, as Rewind forfeited. I guess the admins decided that Helix was more worthy of an invite than suXus. Can't really blame them for that.
You're a bit slow on the uptake
why not give suxus the spot cause rewind gave forfait or couldnt play and let helix just play alis like it was before?

suxus plays alis now? how the fuck does this make sense...
It's a twisted logic :)

helix just missed out on an invite, and were always next in line. If you were to give suXus a BYE that's effectivly giving them an invite - when it's rightfully helix's, no?
well tell me why the rew.et fellahs can't play the qualifier tomorrow or so?

you said:

kuraigu: because tosspot won't let you to ..

Nellie: Not true :)

so it comes to my mind that a team would be allowed playing

so sup, nellie? :)
If both teams agreed to a reschedule that's fine, but both teams didn't. We were left with no option but to follow the rules, which clearly state.

"Teams need to be aware that their matches HAVE to be played on one of the two qualifying days, February 27th and 28th."
For chrissake Nellie it's were not where! :o)
It's Tri Series Champions

We care about cricket again ;x
/holds Rosary Beads while praying for a successful World Cup campaign
it's a pun!!!

or not :(
Although Nellie may have editted, whomever wrote/editted the main post missed one:
Quote by TosspoTHot on their heals where the next two...

I don't think it's a pun btw, I just think the Poms struggle to master their own language! If I took your comment too seriously I blame the beer and the fact no one in #stfu? will talk to me :<
Me again :x

The school system failed me =(
i just wanted to use that leet word ;D
so that means if suxus would've said yes to play tomorrow, that would've been fine with you?? Oo
are you lying to me?

why didn't this happened?

because rew.et got a NO when they asked to postbone it once more ...
because suxus cant play on any other days, they read the rules where it states all qualifiers must be played on the 27th and 28th and made sure they were available for those two days. Because of that we had to rule in favour of suxus over rewind, who, might I add, had already been allowed by suxus to use one merc for the qualifiers.

In the case of pingwins vs retro, pingwins kindly offered to play on march 1st because retro4u had connection problems on the 28th, if retro4u cant play on the 1st again, they will be replaced by infrag.
ye, well.

ofcourse it ain't you guys to blame alone.
also rew.et is sort of to be blamed for having rL issues which they didn't knew of before tuesday ..

but then again, anything could happen and imo it's too strict to not allow another day.. poor .nl bwois :(

ach blah .. just sad it came like this!

though, i might be coming to cpc2 .. so keep on practicing the booze, toss!

i'll force you to have some (lots) beers with me :>

btw, will there be a CPC3 ?? ..
The idea has been mooted, but nothing formal.
well imo the invites were given in the beginning and that's it; next in line or not the winners of the qualifiers should go to lan no matter if one give forfait :O

but ok i understand u want to help ronner to get an easier opponent:) edit: j/k before i got flamed
A BYE isn't a win.
Nothing strange, one team cant play and the only fair thing then is to give the invite to the next team in line for one, not the team that was lucky enough to have an opponent that was unavaible to play.
jammer aphesia :(
why couldn't rewind play on thursday whereas pingwins and retro could?


n1 really!

EDIT: oh, because suxus didnt't want to reschedule ?
thats how i understood it :)

since suxus didnt want to reschedule

smart rly ;D
admins decission!
it makes me sad that ALIS didn't qualify.
Yeah same here :)

We could have won grush and taken it to a decider :-/
You could have won the first map and goldrush, but it didn't happen.
Yeah, GR was close
It wasn't really. But hey, at least we don't have to fund idle's trip with over 200 euros...
you suck, thats all :P
Any demo's?
ettv.fayntic.com:27960 & gtv.servegame.com:27960
thank you sir
gl oxid <3
gl dtekt <3
gg @ putting new teams! nabs
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