Warleagues.com new section : True Combat : Elite

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I have been approached to introduce a ladder, for now - a cup might follow later for the mod of ET : True Combat : Elite. After an internal discussion, the ET Team at Warleagues.com has agreed to start the ladder

What is needed?
Since, I have never played this mod, and from what I heard and saw it's extremely different than normal ET, I would like a team of admins to help running the ladder and maybe in the future the cup. What I am seeking is a team of 2 - 3 dedicated admins. The admins need to have a very sound knowledge of the game, and must not be from the same country / clan if possible. Knowledge of organising is not a must but helps. If you are interested in helping out send an email with details about yourself to [email protected].

If anyone has a config for this game which would like us to give a check about please send it also to my email adress.

The map pool is also something which needs to be discussed, tghough for the time being we are thinking of keeping the default ones.

IRC Channel
The official IRC Channel will be #Warleagues.TCE and the OPs will be the admins of the Ladder, so do not hesitate to contact them for help. Also other admins of Warleagues.com will be OP'ed so as to help the clans in the normal Registration process of clans in Warleagues.com

Dates of Start
There is no exact date when the ladder will be up, but till now I have set all the data needed to make active the ladder. What we need are the 2 admins who will take care of the ladder, and the rules to be set up, and off course interested clans to register and join

Hope to see this ladder be a sucess so that this mod will start entering its professional gameplay!
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