Did you expect the unexpected?

image: cmdcws1

Around 2 months ago Creative Movies - in partnership with Sennheiser Communications, Razer, Fragbet, Qpad, ICY BOX and Spawnpoint - started an international movie contest called Director’s CUT in two categories (Counter-Strike and Open Games) and with great prizes, like $ 2000 in hardware and cash. Every movie need consist a 30 second long sponsor adverstisement, only movies with a minimum lenght of 5 and maximum of 15 minutes can take part, and the movie size cannot be more than 500 MB. Also the main rule is that movie submission must be an original, not previously published.

:: Prize Distribution:[/b]]1st Prize Counter Strike:
$150 Cash courtesy Fragbet
1x ICY BOX IB-NAS1000 $180
1x Sennheiser PC160 headset $130
1x Razer Copperhead $80
QPAD product line $94:
• 1x QPAD® CT™ Large 4mm
• 1x QPAD® Lanyard
• 1x QPAD® Wristband
• 1x QPAD® GLids

1st Prize Open Games:
$150 Cash courtesy Fragbet
1x ICY BOX IB-NAS2000 $180
1x Sennheiser PC160 headset $130
1x Razer Copperhead $80
QPAD product line $94:
• 1x QPAD® CT™ Large 4mm
• 1x QPAD® Lanyard
• 1x QPAD® Wristband
• 1x QPAD® GLids

2nd Prize Counter Strike:
1x Sennheiser PC160 headset $130
1x ICY BOX IB-NAS900 $90
1x Razer Copperhead $80

2nd Prize Open Games:
1x Sennheiser PC160 headset $130
1x Razer Copperhead $80

3rd Prize Counter Strike:
QPAD product line $94:
• 1x QPAD® CT™ Large 4mm
• 1x QPAD® Lanyard
• 1x QPAD® Wristband
• 1x QPAD® GLids

3rd Prize Open Games:
QPAD product line $94:
• 1x QPAD® CT™ Large 4mm
• 1x QPAD® Lanyard
• 1x QPAD® Wristband
• 1x QPAD® GLids

Today the competition reached the next step, the deadline for accepting movies was on Monday. In the last days the CM judge team selected the best movies and then they put them online for public voting. The final winner will be decided by 30% of the audience (community) votes and 70% of the CM judges' opinion. Voting just started and it ends on 10th March 2007.

:: The judge team[/b]] Creative Movies:

Invited judges:
Liquide – Liquide Films
Mrks – Shaolin Productions
Ripieces – Happy Hardcore Gamers
Tchouky – Shaolin Productions
Soniq – Chillside Productions AB
Vazze – wNv

Several movies are taking part in the contest, and some of them already dropped out. Only twelve great creations can compete, and there are movies from the biggest games: Counter Strike (6), Quake 3 (1), QuakeWorld (1), Half Life 2 (1), UT2004 (1) and finally in our lovely game, Enemy Territory (2) too.

:: The complete list of the movies[/b]]Counter Strike
Sunman 5
Insane Players 2
Madcat - Rise Of The Machine
Luckside - 2007
Monty - The Cheeslover

Open Games
SEIDO (Quake3)
Kyu.One (QuakeWorld)
Winghaven : Out of the Way 2: Expect the Unexpected (Enemy Territory)
Civil Protection: Alien (Half Life 2)
The Longest Day (Enemy Territory)
Until The End (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Enemy Territory is represented by two movies, one of them is the new movie of the Nonix Moviemaker Studio, here is the next episode of the successful Winghaven : Out of the Way movie with a sonorous title: Out of the Way 2: Expect the Unexpected !

image: nmsetons1 Hungary Nonix and Spain Winghaven presenting
Out of the Way 2 : Expect the Unexpected

Codec: x264 (3700 KB/s)
Resolution: 848x480
Sound: FAAC (192 KB/s)
Length: 11:23 mins
Size: 313 MB
Project size: hundreds of GB
Project time: more than 1.5 years
Images captured by: 180 FPS
Number of frames: ~ 130.000


Opinions about the movie:
:: - Max -[/b]]
QuoteNonix's sequel to the massive 2005 Golden Llama Nominee Winghaven: Out of the Way, has finally arrived. Winghaven: Out of the Way 2: Expect the Unexpected has been in the works for around 18 months and the hard work shows. Nonix has included an interesting story, visited cleverly at several points throughout the feature. The intro feels quite long, with some unnecessary information but once the frags start, and the well-chosen soundtrack kicks in, you forget all about it. Stylish editing and cams make up the majority of this movie, with only a few effects which didn't come off so good, and the frags are of mixed quality. The config and the outro aren't great but the editing is what I enjoy in movies, and Nonix did a good job balancing creative editing and a very nice soundtrack.

:: CS4f1[/b]]
QuoteI’m not a movie expert, but one thing is sure: I will never forget this movie! It’s something different than any other fragmovies I watched till this time. The Expect the Unexpected has an own style, it’s not just bunch of frags, I really enjoyed watching it. The editing is just fantastic, now I know why took one and a half year to finish this video. People just cannot blame the music with this quality of editing, because it’s awesome, and in addition you cannot concentrate on that while watching the film, but you will see! Overall I regard this movie as a breakthrough, it shows some new way for the upcoming projects, and although it’s different than the first episode, it’s a very good sequel after all!

The second Enemy Territory movie is created by another skilled editor Poland Thoro, and it shows this game from a different angle, this movie is worth for downloading too!

image: longest Thoro Pictures presenting
The Longest Day

Codec: x264
Resolution: 800x592
Framerate: 30 FPS
Length: 7:31 mins
Size: 168 MB
Project size: 153 GB
Project time: 3 months
Images captured by: 120 FPS


Opinions about the movie:
:: Mashed[/b]]
QuoteAs always Thoro Pictures has produced a remarkable piece which is one of the few movies going up against the cs guys in the creative movie contest. It's nice combining battle scenes with voiceovers of a factual event of what happened yet inside the realm of Enemy Territory, it's a great job and I hope for Lukasz he gets those prizes!

Have fun while watching the movies, and if you like them, please vote for them (and for Enemy Territory) on the contest page to help reaching a good result in the Open Games Category!

Source: Creative Movies | Contest Page

/Update: The file is now fixed on the contest page, you can download the Winghaven movie from there too!
Nice movie.
WINGHAVEN: Out of the Way 2 : Expect the Unexpected
Free own3D Download (100mbit) + Flash Stream

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KYO ONE (by Nylon)
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yo should get banned for that :)
agreed, he gets so rich hosting those movies.
yea, i get so rich that i have to pay money for offering those movies ;p
woo dling :)
You sure it's the right file in the link? This one says it's 108 mb, but the readme says it's supposed to be 313 mb. :<

EDIT: nvm, it's the right one now. ;O

wrong movie? u are dling Aliens movie or something
nice :)
nice 1 gonna study fucking biology and then see it aiight bitch :P
dling :D
So nice that u mentioned about second et movie
I just downloaded it, watching and I will add it to the news of course. I did not know about your movie, and admins did not help me, they did not tell me the author...
You got any other mirrors? The creative-movies speeds are terrible.
I'm getting about 200 from their mirror, but I only get 60 for Nonix's movie.
ye its nice <3 nonix
<3 cdap.net

n1 movie :>
nice name stealing :(
What you mean? (i hope not 'that')
The Aliens movie rocks. :O)
that cdap mirror gves me loads of fluctuation in speed :/
Cdap mirror speed rocks !
one of the best movies ive seen so far.

nice job!
a bad movie.. again.
nice movie with nice effect.

but i didnt enjoy @ watching coz ist to full of all.Hard2watch
"Waiting for winghaven.cdap.net..."
same here :x
great :x

my download is stuck at 315.02 MB
Size: 313 MB

link broken?
link broken tbh :c
broken link gg after 66%
Amazing movie, editing,kills & synching wise. Definitively one of the best ET-Movies. Nice to see someone who puts effort in an ET-Movie.
need the songname of the very first song in this "creative commercial" thing..
if i am correct its not mentioned in the readme :<
new link added to own-age.com
it's boring :<
yes, it was worth waiting :D gratz, the one thing that bothered me was that i had already seen most of the frags in Second Nature, otherwise an amazing movie well done :)
unexpected allright... unexpected end of archive and the movie won't unrar :o
Try ticking Keep Broken Files after you click Extract to..
i redownloaded it completely from the cdap mirror and it works now... i think it was some file transfer error or something.

worked fine after i tried again...(it had left the spoiler screenies out of the zip so it said download 100% while it wasn't
now two mirrors are @ ownage, try to download it from the contest page, the good version is there now :)
Nice using default cfg in the outro frags. :O)
well... nice, its very nice graphic show. But... yeh, going over it for me. i like things like decimated or wing movie 1 more. basic, some editing.
blah, guess its just me whining. Nice thing.
really good editing as expected from you alex :P
config wasnt that good looking to me though :)
Wtf? This movie is just unbelievable good! My RESPECT nonix! Did you do the sponsor preview or was it given?
sick quality, editing, songs were oke though and frags got a bit boring after a few minutes... nice overall movie, sync was nice aswell
The Longest Day The Longest Download
17.5KB/s :[
I really didn't like it.. I mean the editing was massive but, i didnt' enjoy watching it...
Next time i'll fallow the Ganon style.
I dont think he meant it in a negative way or sarcastic.

I had the same thing. The editing you put into it is massive and quite nice, but compared to out of the way part 1, ppl might've expected a frag-show instead of an editing show.

Anyway, I liked the editing a lot and it showed you improved in that quite a lot. There are still some sloppy sides into the editing but hey, who's perfect!

Great effort nonix and that in itself needs to be applauded imo. gg!
ET community arent in that "fast mood". New generation of the movies will come. Just check quake and CS movie-styles. I dont say we have to fallow that but i would.

BTW watch out hidden things in the movie.

Don't agree with voting 10-10-10-9 on your own movie though. :D
My stlye, Im 100% agree with that numbers.
Perhaps you're right, but for many it will seem like a nonix-show instead of showing of "winghaven's talents", if you catch my drift.

nonetheless I think the movie is worth watching and has some fine-ass editing in there
I guess there is a right middle between you and Ganon
Nobody can find that. Or did i miss something?
dont think so
i enjoyed ganon his movie more tbh. Mayb its just me but i like to see frags in a fragmovie.

The editing was rly nice, but out of the way 1&2 are like MI 1&2
My movie WASNT a fragmovie.
then what was it? Im not saying i didnt like it, just that from a players pov, i like my movies that revolve around ET too include alot of nice frags at a pretty fastpaced tempo. So i liked the first one more, thats just my opnion.

Ofcourse ur inclined to disagree, since u made this movie. Though as for me, i would never rate myself a 10 in any of those categories. Rating urself with a 10 doesnt express that ur content with the product, but rather that either u have reached ur limit, or u are just feeling good about urself :P

And tbh, if this wasnt a fragmovie, than why are u dragging ganon his movie into this? That surely was a fragmovie so dont compare it to urs if u dont want ppl to see urs as a fragmovie.
r_subdivision 99? :P

Really nice editing. Didn't like the "story" and intro was too long, but overall a very good movie by Nonix. :)
not the style of movie i do like to see... but anyways it was looking quite nice, and the sync was amazing!
Really was top class editing and syncing for both movies.
The frags ( i know it isnt rly about them) but I saw them in the first movie, his 2nd movie and now again. It was nice editing and the effects were great, but its about the frags imo, other ppl who make movies really look forward to the effects etc. but i think for "normal" ppl its too boring. :<
i loved both movies
only negative aspect i see is that the names and shoutouts given in nonixs outro are only viewable for some seconds
its impossible to read more than 5 names or check the long movie list
I once read a book called The Longest Day
10/10 for editing
9/10 for quality
4/10 for used frags

if the movie would've had new frags it would've definitely been one of the best movies I've seen. it's good due to editing it has but all the same frags over and over again...

this for nonix's movie btw
CS4f1 on 01/03/07, 23:53:25 GMT

Nonix moved the deadline several times, finally Winghaven asked for another editor (Quacky) too. Nonix agreed, and said he will finish the movie somewhen, and now he did it.
I know that so blame winghaven for giving the same frags for all 3 movies + all the trailers.
impressed by the longest day, were there any quotes taken from the film or were they all just from saving private ryan?

it reminds me of a rtcw movie years back set on mp_beach with a massive beach invasion. If memory serves it was done by a professional film director, think he was japanese. If anybody can find it on the net I would love to see it again.
i liked last movie more but nice edit and sync.
I think it's a whole new kind of an ET movie. I mean, this is totally different with other movies. But that it's different doesn't makes it a bad movie. If you look what Nonix done due the graphics, I think it's 'unexpected'. I mean did someone ever though it would be like this?

But something what I think was missing was the amount of frags, in my opinion there could be a bit more frags.
nice movie

bad fragmovie
this movie is better than Quaky one cause i don't lag when iwatch it

gg Nonixtic :D
WINGHAVEN: Out of the Way 2 : Expect the Unexpected
Free own3D Download (100mbit) + Flash Stream

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KYO ONE (by Nylon)
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Expect the Unexpected

Great syncing, very good editing, not so good movie.

ET community arent in that "fast mood". New generation of the movies will come. Just check quake and CS movie-styles. I dont say we have to fallow that but i would.
1st winghavens movie is still my favourite et movie, you really shoudlnt have changed your style so much. Pls when you make next movie keep in mind that et cannot be as fast as q3, you'll never see kills as fast as rail flicks in et so dont try to make sceens that short in movies. If you keep that in mind, i'm sure your next movie will be even better than 1st movie was.
okey, thank you
abit too much editing imo, hardly saw any frags lol :)
but nice quality and impressive editing skills
The winghaven movie is AWSOME! One of the few movies I've sat there, watched, and when the credits roll think wtf, i want it to be longer! Very good "MOVIE", showing some vnice kills and superb editing, good use of the song from get quaked 3, though I dunno if you'll have points deducted because of that ;o All up 9/10
Anyone been watching those CS-movies yet? Anything to mention?

I guess Kyu.One will be the one to vote in the open game category.
Outstanding both movies!!!

Man ...why u still play et...and u dont get a pro job at movie directing and developing????
I want a dll link!
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