CPC Roster rules & Qualifier Results

We've had a number of inquiries with regards to new players joining a variety of rosters, with Dignitas picking up mint and soon to replace Night, with Impact gaming recently adding m1lk, I felt it important to clarify the rules on such scenarios.

You are allowed to make 1 roster change without us being concerned, this rule applies to all teams no matter when it is made. However upon making replacing your 2nd player, you must get approval from Crossfire for that player to be added to your CPC roster (unless you are replacing your first addition). Each case will be treated subjectively.

Additionally, the qualifiers finished tonight with the following results:

Call of Duty:
Slovenia oxid 13-6 Germany dSLASH (adocom)
Czech Republic eSuba 13-6 France takecare
Sweden scubadivers 13-9 Italy impact
Netherlands iNFlux 13-9 Poland eliteplayers

Netherlands Pingwings 4:0 Czech Republic infrag (who replaced retro4u)

And finally payments are due for all teams attending the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge. Each ET and CoD entry is 35 euros per player (if you are playing with 7, 7 payments are due), RTCW payment is 25 euros per player. We urge teams to pay well in advance of March 9th to avoid any problems and the risk of losing your spot to another team.

Please make your payment to the following bank (note we only accept bank transfers):
- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC
- Address: 65 High Street, Ruislip, Middlesex
nice matches, especially on frost_comp so far:D
QuoteYou are allowed to make 1 roster change without us being concerned, this rule applies to all teams no matter when it is made. However upon making replacing your 2nd player, you must get approval from Crossfire for that player to be added to your CPC roster (unless you are replacing your first addition). Each case will be treated subjectively.

Nice that you add that ruling now that rewind are out of the competition!
rewind already added acid to replace someone.
iNFlux should be writed as inFlux.
Quotewith Impact gaming recently adding m1lk

i didnt catch up with this one, instead of who?
mztik, he had alot of uniwork or smth
It's worrying how unstable that lineup is ~/
Well sometimes situations are beyond the control of the clan.
ofc, not criticising just an observation.

Hopefully you'll find a stable 6th.
if you're not going to the lan, will you still play online?
the first lineup change brought mystic and replaced arguably the worst player in that lineup, maybe ferus makes a comback to replace mztik :P
they didn't replace me yet! ;)
news to us
we haven't added anyone yet
ehrm isnt dslash no more that good in cod like 5or6 month ago or why did they lose :s ?
They were inactive for some time as Speedlink, still not a bad team and some achivements in those giga cups recently - german top 3 with speedlink and cooltronic
What about endeffect?
kp noch nie was von denen gesehn, das alte rewind war ganz ok, sterbehilfe auch - aber wo waren die schon, kein ec / lan oda?
ESL Ownat0ren. :p
Wurden gekickt wegen Ladder Inaktivität!
TcT german top 3? - LOL
You replied to the wrong person. 8(
kreizy seit D:
Not at all. 8[
schaun wir ma nach den dt. ips qualifiern ob ich recht hab oda nit :p
i've only merced for them two days

dont make up news ;p
we already love you tho!
ahah gg Oxid ! GL Jump, lukzar, ram, shish and goozen !!
infrag got an change and got owned ?
no irl fight with knifes and baseballbats @ lan ?

(23:33:21) (infrag|Brs) suXus.et qualified for CPC2
(23:33:26) (infrag|Brs) fuck off nubs
(23:33:57) (infrag|Brs) u will be very welcomed on the lan
(23:34:10) (infrag|Brs) hope i met u there cowards
got owned ? 2mercs + one in 999 and equal game ...
dont want to flame with u in public hope u njoyed pasting
or should i paste here result of suXus vs infrag @ WL ? ...
paste it !
lol nice attitude, we owned you in the prac 3 days ago or smthn, and it wasnt even near to be close
18:36:13| (ae`dONK) see you at lan then for the fist fight
gj scuba :)
gj eSuba :)
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