CoD2 results rollercoaster!

The rollercoaster that is Call of Duty 2 has been taken on another ride, the scene has not seen any team take two back to back major titles and after shgOpen, digitalMind looked like they would be in a strong position to do just that, but with the rollercoaster in motion their form took a massive nosedive!

In the Eurocup final played on Wednesday, Dignitas challenged digitalMind after losing TWICE to them at shgOpen and walking away from shg without playing the EC final which was due to take part in Copenhagen. However one swede more and Dignitas are back with a bang defeating digitalMind and winning Eurocup.

Dignitas 25 - 20 Netherlands digitalMind]
Dignitas 13-11 Netherlands digitalMind (Toujane)
Dignitas 12-9 Netherlands digitalMind (Dawnville)
demo (Toujane and Dawnville) [POV: Trainee]

That shocking result, which overturned digitalMind's PERFECT record at shgOpen sent Dignitas into the OGC exhibition game against TeK-9 as favourites. That match was played tonight on the exact same maps as dignitas vs digitalMind, surely someone could at least win two nights in a row?

Nope, TeK-9 in a match organised by them to show off Online Game Challenger went to town on the newly crowned Eurocup champions, winning €250 in another surprising result:

Dignitas 13 - 25 Europe Tek-9]
United Kingdom Dignitas 8-16 Europe TeK-9 (Toujane)
United Kingdom Dignitas 5-9 Europe TeK-9 (Dawnville)
demo (Toujane) demo (Dawnville) [POV: Davy]

If I were a betting man, Call of Duty would be a game I'd go nowhere near! Form guides dont exist and it's all to the joy of the spectators!
I was about to say Dignitas own, but now who do I say own?
Tek-9? :P
saw the tek-9 game, was impressive stuff :d
dM vs dignitas was funny, dM played with their manager instead of their 5th player ;o

dM still the best CoD2 clan imo
lollol did reck play? :PPP
I'm really sorry for him, he had worst stats on every map :(
Gratz Olen! :D
So let me get this straight, DM beat everyone at SHg including Tek9 in the final and Dignitas, then lose to Dignitas in the Eurocup final only for them to lose to Tek9 in a show match. Hmm and people say that corruption is not rife in gaming. It’s like the championship race for promotion.

Ps go go go Sunderland.
They should have played the finals @ shg open with full lineups and no net problems, then I'm sure dM would have won :)
they were going to, but ran out of time.
Aah the old net problems, such a shame but then online is as much part of gaming as offline. You have to be able to conquer all to claim the crown.
dignitas isnt even top3 imo
a bold statement, one bad event and you turn against them :/
who do you think the top3 atm are tosspot, from little i have been able to glean from the cod2 community i think these are the top3 teams atm:
1. DM
2. Tek9
3. Dignitas
imo dignitas cod2 havent been doing great since the last crossfire lan
nice dM aka coreGamers =]
keep up the great work
dm with right lineup (not playing 4vs5) > dignitas:)
1. DM
2. Tek9
3. Dignitas
4/10 could be any out of about 15/20 teams really...

copenhagen and speedlink should come back up near top 3 in the next few months though...
Scubadivers ftw!
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