It's a Master Craft

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This Sunday sees the start of the ET Masters tournament. For those not aware it's an invite only tournament featuring top teams considered masters of the game battling it out for honour and a prize bounty of 250 Euros. And what an awesome prospect the first round is. I think it's only fair to review each match individually. Read more for details and predictions.

Sunday is Fight Night

cZar vs. Netherlands Morrigu]

Time: 20:00 CET
Admin: Sweden / Denmark kiss
Belgium cZar: mesq - lio - snot - ziff - zeto - dNzl
Netherlands Morrigu: Wesbo - ins - leonneke - kitty - joop - mize
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Well i think it will be a victory for cZar after an evenly matched game. Morrigu would want to recover from their loss in the CPC2 qualis but I can't see it happening against a strong cZar side
Switzerland gifty: cZar against Morrigu will be a good fight I guess, eventhough I would go 4 : 2 for cZar, just because they seem stronger as a team, and since I've played with 4 of them already I know they can do a lot.
Wales sqzz: Czar have strong players, Iv played with some and Communicate well. and have good Teamplay 4-0 to Czar
Poland kot: czar - mq 4:2
Belgium mesq: We are quite confident about winning this match. Everything within the team is going smooth so my prediction for this game would be 4-2 for us.
Finland Raveneye: We haven't really played against these guys so I can't really predict the outcome, but I happened to notice that cZar is using playername [cZar] tags, which should give them ultimate power over Morrigu. This isn't going to happen though, because parodia tag will punish eveyone using it without permission, so Morrigu wins 4-0

Polar eSports vs. Finland Negative Image]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Scotland Slasheh
Europe Polar eSports: Toxic - kris - perfo - fobje - snoop - xylos
Finland Negative Image: Mulsu - chmpp - kimble - auron - twidi - lettu
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Well, I think it will be a victory for us. negative image have lettu and twidi praccing with murso for CPC2 ofc so...
Switzerland gifty: I love the neg.Image guys, but Polar eSports will just be too good. Goldrush will go to negative image, but the other two maps most likely to Polar eSports. 4 : 2 Polar.
Wales sqzz: Polar esports will take this game, they have alot of skilled players, and will take this 4-2 to Polar eSports.
Poland kot: polar - img 4:0
Belgium mesq: polar eSports are playing very nice atm. I guess they will take this game quite easy with a clean 4-0.
Finland Raveneye: This one is going to be easy for Polar, Negative Image didnt impress me when we pracced against them a couple of days ago. Easy 4-0 win for laggers if they play at their usual skill level.

dtekt eSports vs. Belgium Violence is Bad]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Malta vKg
Sweden dtekt eSports: blaze - fireBall - humM3l - z3R0 - kris - sexyhot - snuble - tornis
Belgium Violence is Bad: vila - sacc - matias - kentsu - Danone - murDa - asd
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: This is one of the closest matches in the first round and I think it will be a 4-2 for whichever team wins. I'm 100% sure vib will win gr after dtekt didnt show the best performance on grush against infrag, and i think dtekt will win braun. All depends on the decider map :P
Switzerland gifty: I don't know any of those team quite good, just a few players. I guess vib will win this one, maybe even 4 : 0, but my prediction could be totally wrong, I don't know.
Wales sqzz: dtekt eSports, played with alot of their players in 3on3, nice guys + very Skilled, 4-2 too dtekt eSports.
Poland kot: dtekt - vib 4:2
Belgium mesq: This game will be a great game to watch, the teams are equal. I think this match will end in the favour of dtekt. 4-2 for dtekt.
Finland Raveneye: This one is going to be a tough game. I'm pretty sure it will go to the decider round and the team which keeps their teamplay together wins the match. 4-2 to vib, just because they have yoghurt man in their lineup.

zeroPoint! Gaming vs. Germany Vicious and Evil KIH]

Time: 21:30 CET
Admin: United Kingdom Splodge
Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming: Darky - potter - keran - butchji - hatred - gifty
Germany Vicious and Evil: arne - FeTTe - smutzig - Ozz - FiEND - zerom - eddie - donkey
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: I think it will be an easy win for zP as they won on shg without butchji at LAN and beat KiH on frostbite, so now online and no frost with butchji.. easy win for zP
Switzerland gifty: We played totally crappy last few days, but officials are our territories, so I guess we can/will win this one, maybe 4 : 2. <3 FeTTe & smutzig
Wales sqzz: I think this will b a close game, if ZeroPoint are on form, im obviously gonna be modest cause its my own team, so 4-2 too zeroPoint! gaming, CMON boys
Poland kot: zp - vae 4:0
Belgium mesq: This will be a one sided match. zeroPoint will overrush KiH on both maps, 4-0 for zeroPoint.
Finland Raveneye: Easy bash for zP if butchji and gifty stay uninjured. Can't really see KIH having even a little piece of chance in this one. zP wins 4-0

Monday is the Big One

Impact Gaming vs. Europe The Last Resort]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Malta vKg
United Kingdom Impact Gaming: Xpaz - mystic - Raveneye - Tiigeri - teKoa - M1lk
Europe The Last Resort: acozz - clown - david - marv - Winghaven - mAus
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Well, this is definetely the match of the first round. Impact need to show that they're not a clone of a-monkeys and TLR can prove to Impact that the level of ET is higher then what Mztik said. I think it will be a win for TLR as TLR seem to have gotten better with mAus and the last minute change for impact could hurt their chances. TLR win
Switzerland gifty: We've played alot against impact, but never against TLR with that lineup, so I would think 4 : 2 either way, since I know the strenght of TLR from before.
Wales sqzz: Impact.gaming, Played / Merced with them in some games, Very nice + Skilled lads. I think if Impact.Gaming play like they normally do, they should take this game would be Quite easy for them, Impact.Gaming 4-0
Poland kot: tlr - impact 2:4
Belgium mesq: It will be a great match to watch for sure. It will most likely end in a decider, which Impact Gaming will win, 4-2 for Impact Gaming.
Finland Raveneye: Impact Gaming wins 4-0 and I would be stupid if I said something else. The match is going to be very tight and they might even take a map from us, but I'm pretty positive that we will come out as the winners. 4-0 for us against tlr and 10-0 for us against the gemran whiner kids.

Netrunners vs. Italy Agony Realm]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: TBA
Poland Netrunners: kot - buzka - chester - gotti - Liquid - oic - rio - Robol^
Italy Agony Realm: aphesia - kritos - momo - senti - rat - xAv
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic:Netrunners will win, simply because they are better :D
Switzerland gifty: NETR all the way! 4 : 0 or 4 : 2 for them. I love those polish guys =d
Wales sqzz: Netrunners, will take this, They have played together in |;P| and was a v skilled team, now even better, 4-0, maybe might go 2 draw. but will take last round, on pressure. Gl too Both teams.
Poland kot: netr - a+r 4:0 :p
Belgium mesq: This match can end up in a surprising result for AR. A+R are playing good the last days, they didn't qualified for CPC 2. But they didn't played bad in the qualifier, On the other hand NETRunners are a strong team. But I doubt they were active the last 2 weeks. They didn't pracc that much I guess. My prediction for this match is 4-2 for NETRunners.
Finland Raveneye: I have played pretty much against Netrunners and their ultimate duo kot and ROBOL should lead them to victory pretty easily. Agony Realm side looks pretty weak and I cant really see Netrunners losing this match. 4-0 for Netrunners.

Tuesday is the Next Level

One4One vs. Germany Team Helix]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: England eVo
Germany one4one: sheep - lepari - squall - vegi - razz - iron - pliss
Germany Team Helix: MurDa - ramin - drago - riddla - Sanda - Spirea
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Haven't seen played against neither of them but knowing that 141 has been together for quite a while with the only change being razz for keving, I'd think that they'll win as helix were always good but never great, and they've only just comeback
Switzerland gifty: 141 is extremely strong, and helix is very new and not ready yet for 141. 4 : 0 for 141.
Wales sqzz: Close game. both skilled teams, Iv playes VS one4one in the time being, and they played REALLY well. 4-2 too one4one.
Poland kot: 141 - hx 4:0
Belgium mesq: Another match to watch. Although I think hx ain't gonna stand a chance vs the good playing 141. Team - Helix is also playing with 2 new additions, Sanda and Spirea. It will take some time to get used to each other. But Team - Helix will put up a good fight but will lose, close in a decider, 4-2 for one4one.
Finland Raveneye: Helix is trying to mix up some germany and finnish ego which doesnt prevent 141 from bashing them pretty easily. Their style of play is so irritating and effective that they should be clear winners in this match. Helix is too new team to break that style of play. 4-0 for 141

pingwins vs. Croatia elite]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: TBA
Europe pingwins: Lightning - Chaoz - zerender - abort - gunner - bullvox - dr3am
Croatia elite: raptus- Kris - CS4f1 - future - day_ - dunno! - krein
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: I think pingwins will win, got no reasoning to it tho :D just a feeling ^^
Switzerland gifty: elite just won the OC, they might still feel the power of that big hype, I would say 4 : 2 for elite.
Wales sqzz: Close game in my opinon, Pingwins, if on form. will take this game, not easy, but will take it, 4-2 to pingwins.
Poland kot: ping - elite 4:2
Belgium mesq: This is probaly also going to be a one sided match. pingwings will win this match with 4-0
Finland Raveneye: And yet more teams which I havent ever seen or atleast I dont recall playing against these ones. Elite has counter-strike for formula 1 and some neverheards against pingwins guys which I have even heard when I played long time ago. They have a nice name too, so pingwins for the win 4-0

Round 2 games will start from Wednesday with hopefully more great matches between some of the best teams in the game. To see the full fixture list, teams and groups you can view these on the cup pages on the Impact Gaming website.

Impact (fo sho)

I bet all my Gbooky money! And all of nellie's
so every team on the left hand side =)
You know west side is the best side
4 - 0 for elite fo sho!
really looking forward to Impact vs TLR

gl Finns
nice coverage!
Who made the banner? Its great
breezy i think
unisol made that one
I agree 100% with raveneyes prediction on czar - morrigu :D
we did it on purpose to play against you!
Could you change the dtekt' s flag plz ?
to easy group for us, some challange plz!
on the raveneye's prediction on A+R NETR : i 'd say : "their ultimate combo : warp + lag + netlimiter + polish style will lead them to the win" IMO kot on lan wasn't impressive at all cause he was hitable :> HF
kot on lan was still a good shot
plus he was warping on lan as well together with ff-mrozu (300 ping)
rofl at roveneye's bad jokes + his ego which seemed like a bad joke also
the jokes were not that bad tbh
n1 raveneye!
xAv will win, A+R will lose.

gL vae.
ik ben dus niet de enige :P
not as long iam in AR!
raveneye go play golf
Polar will win this one.
woo im an admin !
thats unexpected? You have dual personality and i spoke with a different slasheh?
They don't have enough ping any more, so can't win!
where's dignitas ?:(
I really hope mQ can pull off a good performance, since I need gbooky moneys and I don't think img or KiH are going to oblige.

Impact vs TLR will certainly be very interesting - ironic that m1lk plays his ex-team in his first official for impact. I'm really not sure which way this will go, just depends how the teams play on the day :D

mesq: "NETRunners are a strong team. But I doubt they were active the last 2 weeks. They didn't pracc that much I guess."

err... They were certainly very active last week. Every team I specced seemed to prac vs NETR :D

Raveneye (on Pingwins): "And yet more teams which I havent ever seen or at least I dont recall playing against."

err... I've specced you prac vs pingwins at least once, and I'm pretty sure talking to Lightning and Tiigeri you've played them two or three times.
Maybe so, I just don't remember those matches!
proLLy u were on a tight schedule and didnt even care about who u were playing because u were looking at the time more to make sure u arent late for the next prac
That might be the case, yes.
dont worry, you ll live forever in my heart ;(
since im in pingwins we've played them once.
nice coverage ;) decent banner - looking forward to a big event!
raveneye @ aggressive commenting
goodluck dtekt !
nice coverage. Even raveneyes predictions sounds kinda selfish, still better than the standard asscrawl ones.
nice news! great work
the yoghurtman is going to own everyone ! ;o
lol toxic. infrag? wtf :X u mean a+r? :)
infrag a+r same team! :D
rofl try the reply button. who is infrag ?
2eaz 4 zere.

gl TLR
sqzz: Impact.gaming, Played / Merced with them in some games, Very nice + Skilled lads. I think if Impact.Gaming play like they normally do..

attention whore ?
He's really not, sqzz is awesome ;D
Sqzz is a top guy and a great player and he has been for many years imo, no need for him to seek attention :)
nice cup evo
Nice, a total of 5 or 6 unpunished cheaters in these different lineups. woooo, ET is so exciting.woooo. Oh well, GL Snuble!
yea yea name them with proof, the only one i can see if mize and since CB / Crossfire are allowing him to play at CPC2 (had he qualified) then i can allow him to play. Plus i honestly dont believe he does hack
well, evo, he hacked, there were pbss of it, but it is your decision.
Actually there weren't any PBSS afaik, there was a very conclusive demo that he himself provided.
Afaik, he even told he cheated, and there were pbss, not sure :).
Well eVo decided
yes but thats 1 person who is highly questionable nonetheless people i trust vouch for him and thats enough, who are the rest since there are so many Borcster?
well i am sure he isnt cheating atm.
Just think about the terms used in todays ET.I'm sure you know who I mean... Then add the couple who admitted to have cheated, and the ones with 60% acc.

Unluckily for ET, PB is a joke and everyone and their grandma can avoid it.
my grandma coded etbot
There weren't any pb screenshots.
yeah:<< to many cheaterboys.. but @ lan, i doubt many will cheat..hehe

so looking forward to cpc2, and taking this as warmup match..

thanx for the wishes.
nice cup evo
GL Xpaz
lol Milky :P

I Knew your gonna join from the moment I saw you on Impact's ventrilo :P
We are without Switzerland vegi btw... we have a merc for it though.
rofl @ Raveneye "Elite has counter-strike for formula 1..." :P
murda playing in vib and hx? nice
all teams in hiar sucks

netrunners are MEGASUPERLOL overrated they sucks :/

AND greetings go to teh buzka (my fanboy)

and hiar is one nice bind to you (present)
bind p "vsay cheer <NETR-buzka> WHOS THE FUCK IS CLAAVER?:\;say <NETR-buzka> he aiming like jonas without ettv;say <decem> :DD:;say <decem> rofl;say <decem> clouver u mean?"
eVo you should be admin of your own team imo:D

go mystic go o/
I really hope impact can have an impact on idle y0
gl impact.
Finland Raveneye: We haven't really played against these guys so I can't really predict the outcome, but I happened to notice that cZar is using playername [cZar] tags, which should give them ultimate power over Morrigu. This isn't going to happen though, because parodia tag will punish eveyone using it without permission, so Morrigu wins 4-0

big LOL :D
he was right though... it did
impact.gaming playing with [ ] tags? xD
nope cause we aint parodia :P
sooo it's gonna be something like Mystic`i or Mystic^i?
something yes
love you guys <3
Its a master craft... It's?
mystic will decide match iG vs TLR...:P
go mystic

i woul dlove to see imact win but tlr have played together too long. usually i would say a roster change would disrupt them (again), but then again it's mAus so no excuses.
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