Benelux Cup groups announced

image: benelux

Yesterday, we've already updated you guys about the benelux cup III.
The signup closed yesterday at 12:00, so it was time for the admins to: Make the groups!

Well, we won't wait any longer, here are the groups!


Premier Division

Group A

Netherlands Artificial
Belgium cZar-Gaming
Belgium Unplugged
Netherlands Routiniers

Group B

Benelux Bangelijk!
Belgium Waco-Gaming
Finland Clan.Redsky

Group C
Netherlands Hyperion-Gaming
Benelux hMgaming

Moving on to the:

Second League

Group A

Belgium DarkSlayers
Belgium Defenders of the territory
Netherlands eXposed Gaming
Benelux exQuzed

Group B

Netherlands Friendship above All!
Benelux Friends in Force Team 1
Netherlands idem

Group C

Benelux Friends in Force Team 2
Benelux Kitchen Knife Conspiracy
Netherlands possidere

Group D

Netherlands national 0wners - Black
Benelux Sodom & Gomorrah
Benelux Xil^gaming

If you have any complaints about the groups you can email me or NetherlandsInsecure untill 17 March with your reason, clanname, group, league.

Groups Maps:

These maps are forced by admins, you cann't chose your own map.

Week 17-24 March: (agree before Friday 16 Mar): Braundorf_B4/Adlernest
Week 24-31 March: (agree before Friday 23 Mar): Sw_Goldrush_Te/SW_Oasis
Week 31 March - 7 April: (agree before Friday 30 Mar): Supply Depot/dubrovink_final

If you haven't arranged your matched before this date, you're matched will be forced by the admins at a date.

Playoffs Maps:

• Et_Ice
• Braundorf_B4
• Adlernest
• SW_Oasis
• Sw_Goldrush_Te
• Supply Depot
• Frostbite

Also we would like to announce our sponsor for this event Dark Slayers, the have given us 3 servers to broadcast these matches at ETTV.

And they have given us some prices for this:

of Premier League
Free private server for 2 months + a free voiceserver for 2 months

of Premier League
Free private server for 2 months

of Premier League
6 BNC's for 2 months

of Second League
6 BNC's for 2 months

of Second League
6 BNC's for 2 months
From now on all news on the Clanbase website will be posted in dutch.

If you have more questions don't hestitate to pm me or Netherlands Insecure.


TrgT & Insecure

Related Links:
Banner by
Native for ze win!
easy for influx
Native easy win imo.
Benelux cup -> Finland Clan.Redsky ?
Finland multigaming clan. aka
ik zit in 2 clans lolly :<
A player may not play for more than one clan in the same cup no matter what may appear on any match reminder emails or allowed player lists. As soon as the player plays for a clan, he is no longer allowed for any other. To play for another clan he must first go through the new member procedure
Je kiest de goede maar zien.
speel met ons mee !
prev winners and the best benelux clan that signed up in 1 group :(
omg @ maplist
dubrovink_final / SW_Oasis gg already something stupid
nice one prize pool! very tempting :D

possidere gaat die second league dus egt zooooo hard pwnen :)
ja ik snap niet wat die bij ons (KKC) in de groep doen :P

Maja KKC, Rhenium en FiF2 zijn voor zover ik weet ongeveer gelijk skilled dus word vechten om de 2de plaats in de groep.
we zien wel flipje ;)
Ja GL he hopelijk word het leuke match

ik vind het alleen jammer dat possidere in 2de League zit en inFlux Premier League speelt. Ze hadden beter die 2 kunnen omwisselen.
influx maken we meer kans dan possidere ja...
possidere is inactive, dit is meer een mixteam. ik vind het goed dat ze er voor kiezen "echte" clans te laten spelen in premier, hoewel ik denk dat possidere ook in premier thuis hoort.
ja als je ziet met wie ze in de groep zitten wel jah :D en dan de rest van de second league gaat bekijken zie je alleen nog idem erboven uit schieten. (tenminste voor hoever ik de clans ken dan)
ik ken geen enkele 2nd clan, maar clans hebben natuurlijk wel een groot voordeel tegen mixen dus zal het best moeilijk voor ons worden.
ken ej Rhand en KKC niet? ooh schaam je :P

ik hoop dat het moelijk voor jullie word :P

Maja anyways GL en laten we ermaar voor zorgen dat het een leuke cup word wie er ook mag winnen.
you can absolutely not guess who will win
gl clan.redsky =D

gogogogog alternat00000000000000r
lol cZar no doubt...
where's rewind #565759 ?
they'r dead since 1week allready lol!
very nice maplist :P
not really :(

who the hell wants to prac oasis and dubro :S
olol, I read braun instead of dubro.
oasis <3!
gl all :D
why group B has only 3 teams , maybe you can switch one from 2nd -- > too group B @ premier :O ?
idem will rape 2nd division easily
Op possidere dan na.
Daar heb je gelijk in..


gL cheasy, anox n stimp
ow leuk... 1ste matc Rhenium.ET vs Possidere..
easy for Netherlandshyperion <3

gl guys!
gl unplugged and waco-gaming. yeah!
first 2 continue?
why is possidere in 2nd league
UPTADE: Banner by ? all lies, banner is from , plz change it!
avi for premier devison team
<3 Netherlands#Routiniers and Benelux#Pillars/#hMgaming
Unit 7 will take it
sw_oasis cooool!
Worm win anders lag ik u uit
plz its hard Method

not Pillars anymore

Pillars is dead for about a year now :/
gl hard Method (pillars was zo veel mooier :) <3 nik0z, speelt die nog?)
je loopt een paar maand achter :)
its still Pillars, fo plz apex:)
who the hell is playing for Hyperion?? ( im not:p )

anyway good luck edjee en the rest of the team <3 !
vooral oud spelers ;)
bnlx r ze shit
Nice banner :)

Gl all
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