Underdogs ruled today

Tonight we saw two great matches take place, one of these was played in the ET Masters, where a strong United Kingdom AuxliA took out the impressive Finland Negative Image team.

United Kingdom AuxliA 4-2 Finland Negative Image
First map: supply, won by AuxliA
Second map: frostbite, won by Negetive Image
Third map: radar, won by AuxiliA

United Kingdom AuxiliA:
Russia humM3l
Sweden Blaze
Norway Snuble
Turkey fireBall
Portugal sexyhot
Poland zeR0

Finland Negative Image:
Finland twidi
Finland MulSu
Finland lettu
Finland chmp
Finland kimble
Finland roottori

After Negative Image took the win over Europe Polar eSports many people believed a new Finnish powerhouse had seen the day. Tonight however, Europe dtekt.eSports, fresh in their AuxliA diapers caused a great upset by winning this match after a three map clash between both sides.

In the fun-cup another thrilling match took place:

Italy explosionC4 4-2 Belgium cZar Gaming
First map: braundorf, won by explosionC4
Second map: radar, won by cZar Gaming
Third map: goldrush, won by explosionC4

Belgium cZar Gaming
Belgium zeto
Belgium mesq
Belgium snot
Belgium rkfi
Belgium ziff
Belgium lioco

Italy explosionC4
Italy uBerlee7
Italy bLiz
Sweden slajdan
Finland Iratou
Finland Rk
Austria xet

While explosionC4 were definately the underdogs in this match they have been able to put pressure on the belgian side of cZar Gaming at the first map already. The belgian team managed to equal the score by winning the second map however, so all eyes were aimed at the decider. Altrough cZar was able to put up a good defence they still couldn't stop the eC4 soldiers from defeating them, leading the match to a 4-2 victory for explosionC4.
Na-na na-na-na na na na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye
[flag=pl ] z3ro!
Sainted you're a god(edited) felt like flaming : >
give him a break tard

btw i dont see anything wrong there
shows how much u know about et. auxilia / dtekt w/e have a great and stable line up which has been around for long. hardly underdogs
<flame me below>
it doesnt look like rewind to me
I dont want to be a jackass or anything.

but we have played together for 2 weeks...:<<

old dtekt squad quit after shgopen, and this team got formed 2 days before signups for CPC was over..

so we are pretty new, and yeah.. we were underdogs..
shush , you're ruining my moment! it is as i say -,-
gj Sainted :)
totally unexpected
you mean unexpected ? :)
bLiz is the new civ.
cZar noobs.
our impressive team played radar far from impressive :[
oh and ofc we sucked on supply but that was to be expected
no lettu = no lan
u can say u sucked at sd2.. cause that was pretty much ownage.. we had full control.

but frostbite was really close.. a very good game.. same with radar.

Those two maps could have gone both ways.. so i would say it was two pretty equal teams who played, and that abit of lotto made Auxillia come up at top.
true ;), it was a nice game
strong match played by zeto there, i believe 800 dg in 15 minutes radar.
expected and isi money @ gtv :o)
never heard about those clans sry.
never heard of you sry.
he is uBerlee7!!!!111oneone
kj, sounds like a nice guy :)
Where is fjellah ? :x
why would they wanna take fjellah when hes been caught cheating twice.
Twice ? :/

Besides the 1st time was some other noob. Proved by HK
lost all my money @ gbooky :////

never bet on a match where humM3L plays ....
for some weird reason, i truly madly deeply love your nick "Otternase"..

can u tell me what it means? cause im really found of it..(no irony)
image: otter_big


image: 180px-Neus1

utternos in swedish or smth :DDDDD
otternese in norwegian:D

I actually thought it was like that, but didnt know.

still love ur nick:D
otter is a nice nick, better than bo -_-
thats one hell of an ugly nose
ugly AND heary..
ye google pics are always a little bit messy :DD
whats heary?

wrong reply tbh :p

i think he meant hairy :p
gg eC4
:D that's why ec4 won
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